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Math class was finally over. I sighed audibly and got up from my desk after half of the class left, and started walking out. He was following behind me. He was close to me. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. I ignored it and continued walking. I was looking down while walking, meaning I stumbled into my girlfriend.

"Hello, Y/N." I hated her voice. "Hey. I've got something to tell you." Nows the best time. "What is it?" She asks. "I'm breaking up with you." She gasped slightly and scoffed, crossing her arms. "I knew I shouldn't have dated you! You're such a fucking boy-slut!" I looked down at her and gave her a little glare. "What did you just call me, Y/GF?" she looked up at me and took a few steps back, before she walked away quickly.

Always works. I smiled to myself as I watched her little ass quickly walk away. I heard some girl walk up behind me. I turned around, expecting her to be short, but she was taller than me. She was a little chubby, and she looked about nineteen. Not gonna lie, she was pretty. But, I wanted him. "Hi, Y/N!" Her accent was cute. "Hello. What's up, girl?" I asked, crossing my arms and giving her a little smile.

"I was wondering if you wanted to date my freind. His name is Bill-" I looked up at her with my eyes widened a little. "--and he's looking for someone like you, I guess." She continues, smiling softly. "Sure..I'll talk to him." I reply, trying to keep calm. She's lying? I don't know. "Thank you!" She says, hugging me. She smelled good. "Anytime. By the way, whats your name, hun?" I ask. "My name is Amber (or if you want a different name for her then idk)!" She replies, taking a step back.

"Alright, Amber. Maybe we can be good friends." I say, smiling softly. "That'd be great." She says, starting to walk off, waving. I smile in return and continue walking to my locker.

~end of the day~

I was looking for Bill. He said he wanted me to come over, right? So I stood there waiting for him. I heard footsteps from behind and I looked back, seeing him walking towards me. "Y/N! Are you still up to come?" He asks, hugging me. He smelt so good. I wanna just..Y/N, stop. "Yeah, I'm still coming." I reply, smiling in return. "Well then, lets go!" He says, grabbing my hand and leading me out through the front doors.

I have a bad but good feeling idk

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