Sun Down, I'm Up

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"Wakey, wakey.." Tom says through the door, waking both of us up. "Shut up.." Bill mumbles, shoving his face into my chest. "Oh come on, it's ten am!" Tom says, opening the door. "whatever.." Bill mumbles, sitting up. "I'm still tired." He continues, yawning. "damn, what did y'all do all night?-" Tom asks, snickering a bit. "none of your business, omg.." I remark, also sitting up. "we should go somewhere for lunch." Bill says, standing up.

"oh, yeah, we should." Tom replies, walking. "both of you get ready to go to uh.." Tom thinks for a moment. "McDonald's???" He says, shrugging his shoulders. "yes!" Bill says, grabbing a shirt out of his closet. "that's fine." I say, walking to the bathroom. "okay, I'm gonna go get ready." Tom says, walking to his room. I start brushing my hair, making sure it's untangled enough. "I'm sore." Bill mumbles, wincing as he took off his shirt. "Sorry."

"Mhm," he replies, putting his other shirt on. I brush my teeth, and walk out of the bathroom, and look through Bills closet. "Can I borrow some clothes for today?" I ask, grabbing some random shirt out of his closet. "Of course." He replies, smiling sweetly. "thank you." I say, taking off the shirt I have on now, and putting Bill's on. "you're welcome." He says, putting on some pants. I also put on some pants, and put on my shoes. "are you ready?" Tom asks, walking in. "yeah, we're ready."

"mkay, good." He says, walking out. "does he always do that?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow. "yeah. He's like that." Bill replies, rolling his eyes. "yup.." I mumble, looking back at Bill. "I'm gonna have to wear a choker or something." He says, looking in the mirror at his neck. "Oh Lord.." I mumble, snickering. "Your fault." He replies, scoffing. He grabs some random perfume and sprays himself with it, then hands it to me. I spray some on myself and sit it down on his dresser. "Hurry up, gays!" Tom calls, running down the stairs.

Bill groans and puts his shoes on. After he puts his shoes on, he grabs my hand and leads me downstairs, to where Tom was standing by the front door. "Ready now?" Tom asks, putting his hand on his hip. "Yeah," I say, crossing my arms. "Okay, let's go then." He says, opening the front door for both of us. We both walk out, holding hands of course (🙆). "So are we just gonna walk since we don't have a car yet?" Bill asks, looking around.

"Yeah," Tom says, also looking around. We walked down the sidewalk together while cars drove by. "Why don't you have a car yet? I mean, you are seventeen." I ask Bill, raising an eyebrow. "I didn't pass my drivers test this year." He replies, letting out a 'heh' sound. "That's your own damn fault." Tom remarks, snickering. "Could you not?" Bill says, frowning a bit. "you failed it too." He adds, cocking an eyebrow. "oh, shut up. You failed it first." "could you both shut up?" I say, sighing. "n-" "shut up, Tom." Bill says, rolling his eyes. "if you both don't shut up, this walk is gonna be silent the whole time." "Sorry, sorry," Bill says, caressing my hand.

I worked my ass off just to come up with this chapter so 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥💯💯

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