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5:57 am

It was somewhere around five am, and I slowly woke up to Bill sleeping on top of me. Okay, okay, uhm...I couldn't get up at this point. "Bill.." I whispered, trying to push him off. "Hm," he mumbles, lifting his head up. "Can you get off now, we have to get ready for school." I mumble, running my fingers through his hair. He nods slowly and sits up, yawning as he tried standing up.

I slowly sat up, stretching my arms a bit. "Ugh..." He groans, standing up. He stumbles to his closet, grabbing some random shirts and pants. "Here..." He mumbles, tossing the outfit to me. "Thanks.." I reply, standing up. Shortly after we changed it was somewhere around six, and we had to actually start getting ready. I hate school.

What happened last night? I'm so lost. Whatever. "Are you ready, Y/N?" Bill asks, putting on his shoes. I grab my Converses and slip those on too. "Yuh, I'm ready.." I reply, tying the laces. "mkay.." he replies, walking to the bathroom.

6:21 am

"Y/N, hurry! We're gonna miss the bus!" Bill calls, grabbing my hand and running through the front door. Shortly, his brother followed behind us, watching us closely. "Did y'all like.." Tom asks, snickering a bit. "Tomi, that's none of your business.." Bill replies, nudging his shoulder. "Sorry, sorry." He replies, putting his hands up. Oh?

Sooner or later, the bus had arrived and we all got on. Tom was on the inside, Bill in the middle, and I was on the outside. This is weird. Bill kept glancing at me, shuffling a bit, since he was kind of squished in-between both me and Tom. "Sorry." I whisper, chuckling a bit. "It's fine." He replies, reaching his hand for mine.

Shortly, we had arrived at this hellhole, all of us getting off the bus and walking towards the front doors. When me and Bill walked in together, girls were staring. No one has ever seen me with him, so they knew something was going on. Sure, they were jealous. But I could care less.

2:41 pm

Me and Bill pretty much spent the whole time talking during breaks, lunch, and band. I didn't really like band class, but it was worth it to be near Bill. Well, it was the end of the day now. And I was standing there, waiting for him. He came running towards me, hugging me from behind. Some girl was staring, giving us a glare. I flipped her off in response and laughed. "Y/N, that's so rude!" Bill says, laughing.

"She deserves it." I reply, walking out with him. My hand was on his waist, my finger slightly tugging on the waistband of his pants. He didn't notice, thank God. I need to stop. even though we already basically fucked, I still need to control myself around him...

this story will prob have 69 chapters idk 🤷🏽..

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