Do Ya Like

807 7 61

3:02 pm

We are walking back to their house, we had just finished eating. The fucking waitress lady would not hurry up, and Tom would not shut up about his dick. 'my dick hurts', 'blah, blah, my dick'. Like shut the hell up about your dick, no one wants to hear it! Anyways, Bill opened the front door for us, letting me walk in first. "Im bored." Tom says, walking in behind me and yawning. "Im also tired." He adds, walking to the kitchen. "then go take a nap," Bill says, putting his arm around my waist. Thankfully Tom didn't notice, so I took his arm off of me. "we'll do that later." I whisper, making him blush.

"you're so gay." Tom complains, walking to the living room. "shut up, you had sex with one gu-" "hey, no need to bring that up!" He says, his face turning red out of embarrassment. "sure." Bill says sarcastically. "Anyways, I'm taking a nap, bye." Tom says, waving and laying down on the couch. While he did that, me and Bill walked upstairs to his room. "I said we would do that later, but wanna do it now?" "Tom will hear." "I don't care, he'll get over it." "Fine.." I pushed Bill over to the bed, making him stumble a bit. "What is with you and sex?" He asks, taking off his pants. "I love sex, I'm the playboy, of course." "Shut up." "No." "Fuck you." "We're about to fuck."


I take my pants off and throw them on the floor. I crawl on top of Bill and grab his waist, pulling him closer to my lower half. He groaned as I brought my hand to his member, lightly stroking it. "Hurry up and stop teasing me.." "shut up," "no." I press the tip of my member inside of him, making him squirm under me. "Agh," He chokes out. "Stay still. You should be used to this by now." "We've only f-fucked twice," "I know." I push my whole length inside him, making him gasp and moan. "You have r-really got to stop taking my virginity," "I took it the first time we had sex. Now stop talking and more moaning."

He let out a shaky breath as I leaned over him more, thrusting into him at a gently pace. He wrapped his legs around my waist and put his arms on my shoulders, burying his face in the crease of my neck. "Ah, Y/N.." He moans, his nails digging into my back. I hear a knock on the door and stop, Bill's pants and whimpers the only thing heard now. "I'm not walking in there in case your fucking, but I'm inviting Georg over," Tom says through the door. "Ngh, uh, alright." I reply, as Bill lets out a whine from the back of his throat. I slap my hand over his mouth, making him shut up. "Alrighty, just letting you know."

I waited until I heard footsteps getting further downstairs to take my hand of Bill's mouth. "Sorry," I mumble, looking at his teary face. "Be a little quieter, alright?" I say as I continue thrusting into him. He whines and closes his eyes tightly, biting his tongue to restrain himself from making any noise. "Shit," I choke out, grabbing him by his thighs and just f^cking him harder. "Y-Y/N, wai-" He lets out another whine from the back of his throat as I suddenly pull out of him. Why did I just do that, I don't know. "Y/N, i-i'm so close, put it back in.." He mumbles, spreading his legs more.

Is this what I want? "Please.." He continues. My member twitched in anticipation, making me grunt. I shook my head and grabbed him, pushing my length inside him again. "S-Shit!" He says through gritted teeth, about to cum. "Seriously?" I shake my head and continue thrusting into him. "C-cumming!" He whimpers and puts his hand over his mouth as he finished. It wasn't long before I finished inside of him, letting out a groan. "Fuck, you gotta be more quiet.." I mumble, pulling out of him. I rolled over and lay next to him, panting a bit.

mini time skip :3

Me and Bill stumbles downstairs, hearing Tom and Georg giggling. "So, how was it?" Tom asked Bill. "Shut up!" He replies, crossing his arms. "that's gay." Georg whispers under his breath. "stop calling us gay." I say sarcastically, shaking my head. "yeah, yeah." Tom says rolling his eyes. "it's getting late, my mom will probably worried shit." I say, putting my hand on Bill's shoulder. "Okay..bye Y/N." He mumbles, pulling me in for a hug. He hugged me for a few moments before kissing me and whispering 'i love you'. "I love you too," I whisper back, putting my shoes on.

I wave to Tom and Georg, opening the front door to walk out. "I'll see you..what day is it?" "I forgot." "oh, well." Tom says, waving to me one last time. I start walking down the sidewalk back home, hoping to get there quickly before my mom gets home from work. I check my phone for the time, seeing now its 8:31. "Shit, shit." I mumble, speeding up my walking. I walked for a few minutes, before finally reaching my neighborhood. I hurried over to my house, taking out my spare key and unlocking the door. I stumble inside and take my jacket off, sitting it down on the stairs.

cliffhanger, for now 😈

I need ideas, help me

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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