Chapter I

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Soviet looked out of his window. Hands in his coat. The sound of the wind blowing and snow being thrown around was something he was familiar with every day. Soviet blinked his eyes a couple of times, adjusting as a larger chunk of snow hit the window lazily. He sighed and turned away from the rampaging weather. The slav sat on the couch near the firepit. He glared at the dancing flames as the wood slowly burned to nothing but ash. The house was quiet. His kids had gone with China, who offered to babysit for a while.

"At least I get some sleep now without being interrupted. . ." Soviet muttered to himself. His golden eye still staring at the golden orange flame of fire. A knock at the door interrupted his rapid thoughts. Soviet looked away from the fire to the door.

'Who in their right fucking mind would come all this way in a fucking blizzard, to knock on my door!?' The large country thought. He stood up and took his hands out of his pockets. The slav took a few steps to the door before opening it. He looked down and saw a MUCH smaller man than him. The small male was just about below his shoulder. Maybe his chest even!

"Британия!?" (Britain!?)

"H-hello S-s-soviet!"

"Why you here!"

"I c-can e-explain. B-but m-may I c-come I-In?"

Soviet grunted. "Fine."

Soviet quickly moved aside for Britain, who stumbled into the house. The British male was freezing and shaking badly. His hands clasped close to his chest.

Britain held his arms around his body in a sort of hugging motion. "Sit on couch to warm up." Soviet led Britain to sit. The smaller country took the offer and sat down elegantly and sighed. Britain held his hands towards the firepit. Soviet stood and watched in silence. After a minute of nothing, Britain broke the awkwardly comfortable silence.

"So, y-you might be w-wondering why I h-have arrived at your d-door in this weather. . ."

Soviet didn't say anything.

"A-America tells m-me you two a-are-"

"Don't try and speak of processed eating pig to me. I want nothing to do with him!"

"L-look Soviet-"

"НЕТ! (NO!) I am not going to remove missiles in cuba unless he remove his from Turkey! Do you think I just going to let him take land!? Do you think I just surrender!?"

Britain sat back. He clenched the couch and looked at his feet.

"I know S-soviet, but we c-could still talk it o-out. . ."

Britain spoke softly. He didn't want to aggravate Soviet any further than he already was.

"I am aware of situation Британия, (Britain) but why YOU are the one trying to negotiate with me. This not your war. . ."

"H-he asked me to t-talk to you. . ." Britain blew on his gloved hands with his hot breath to warm them more.

Britain closed his eyes. He felt his heart beat in his chest.

"So, great and all mighty, America was too scared to talk to me in person, so he sent next best thing, his sidekick father to do it for him?" Britain kept quiet. He didn't appreciate the way he was mentioned as a "sidekick".

"Ha! And claims to be a superpower. . ." Soviet laughed "Британия, (Britain) you must no be here. If you come all way to talk to me. It no work Британия. (Britain) So, if that is all. You can leave."

Britain stood up abruptly.

"Right. I hope you and America can solve this "difference" that's been going on. Good night, Soviet."

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