Chapter V

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Started: 13/10/2023 [20:35 PM]

This chapter is going to be a bit sad. I thought some Sovbrit cute moments were needed after what happened in the last chapter.

The snow was a light drift now. It had been three days since the Brit arrived at the Russian's door, cold and freezing from the weather. Or was it four? Britain had lost count.

Once opposite sides.

Now. . .

Connected as one.

The wind was no more, and the two spent the next morning just sitting in front of the fire and reading. Together.

Occasionally, the two would let out a joke or a funny line from the book they were reading. Britain was EVERYTHING Soviet could wish for. He truly loved him. He loved the Brit like he loved his vodka, you could say. . . And let me tell you. He LOVES his vodka.

Britain looked up from his book and out into the wilderness. The snow was calming and soft. The perfect conditions to start his way home. . .

Soviet noticed Britain's face visible change to a sad one of expression. It made him curious.

"Is everything Ok?"

Britain let out a sigh.

"Hey- come here."

Soviet held his arms open. Britain clambered into the man's waiting arms and hugged him tightly. Soviet could feel a few hot teardrops seep into his shoulder.

"I don't want to go back. . ."

Soviet began rubbing circles into the smaller's back.

"Please, Soviet. I-"

The Brit choked on a sob. He gripped tighter around Soviet's body. "I- I want you." He managed to get out before starting to hiccup. "I want to stay. . . Here."

"Shhh~ I know, Британия. . . (Britain) I know. . ."

None of them spoke. Just the sound of soft muffled crying was audible from the island.

"I-I just wish we had more time!"

"Unfortunately. There no such thing in kind of line of work. . ."

"Just- just h-hold me then. . ."

Soviet gripped Britain's waist and held him. They sat there for what felt like hours. Just having the comfort of holding each other. . . Britain pulled his head away and looked at Soviet with puffy red eyes.

"You're the first person to truly love me, Sov. . . The only one to care for me."

"What about sons?"

"I'm their father, of course, they love me. But not like you do." Britain cupped Soviet's face in his hands. "Nothing like you do. . ."

"You don't have go. . ."

"But I do! I need to get home, I know I do, but I don't want to. I don't want to leave you. Not again! I can't lose you, Soviet. God dammit!"

Soviet felt his heart pang. Seeing his lover so distressed makes him hurt inside.

"Then stay. . ."

The words came out as a whisper in the night. Britain looked at Soviet with teary eyes. The tears that welled up in the Brit's eyes made them seem even shinier.

"How. . ? What about your kids!? You can't just leave them with China!"

"You stay with us. . . You finally be happy, да? (Yes)"

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