Chapter VI

531 19 114

Started: 16/10/2023 [08:40]

Time: 20:35 PM
Place: New York


Britain stepped out of the plane and almost fell over. He sure is a bit jetlagged. I mean, who wouldn't be when you've been flying for ten hours and five minutes!? Britain had called his son previously and told him he was coming back, so the American arranged for a few guards to be present.

"Dad!" America shouted over the plane engines. America helped support his father, and the two walked inside. The guards followed and stood in their possession.

"Are you alright!?"

"I'm o-"

"He didn't hurt you, did he!?"


"Come on, I'll get someone to look at you."

America led Britain outside of the airport and into his car. Britain sat in the back while America got in the driver's seat. "Now I know you had a long flight, so I suggest getting some sleep. I'll wake you up a few minutes before we arrive!" Britain didn't respond. "Dad?" America looked in his rearview mirror.

Britain was already out cold. He lay across the back seats facing the front. America felt bad. 'He must be VERY tired. . .' He thought. America continued driving and would occasionally look at the back to make sure Britain was alright.


Time: 21:12 PM
Place: America's House


The car came to a halt as America turned off the engine. He let out a sigh and twisted in his seat to face the back. The Brit had shifted a few times but remained asleep. America undid his seat belt and leaned more towards his father. "Dad." The American shook the Brit softly. "Hey- Dad." He tried again.

Britain shifted onto his back and slowly blinked his eyes open. "Mhmm. . ?" Britain rubbed his eyes and sat up.

"America. . ?"

"Come on. Let's head inside, yeah?"

Britain tiredly nodded his head and got out of the car. America followed suit and helped keep the island upright. They went inside, and Britain was sat on the couch in the living room.

"I'll call someone to check on you tomorrow once you've gotten some sleep."

"Alright. . ."

"You need me to make ya tea?"

"If it wouldn't be a bother-"

"I'll be right back!"

America skipped into the kitchen and began boiling the water. He took out a cup and filled it with the necessary contents needed.

"So~" America threw himself over the couch and sat next to the Brit.

"What happened in Moscow."

Britain looked to his right and sighed.

"Nothing much. . ."

"Did you figure out anything?"

"No. He kept to himself, and his office was always locked. The only time I was in there was when you called. . ." He lied.

"Mhm. I see. Were you able to overhear any of his conversations?"

"They were all in Russian. . ."

"What did he say when you tried to speak to him?"

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