Chapter VII

538 18 173

Started: 16/10/2023 [22:37 PM]
Long Chapter, woah!

America felt himself wake up. His eyes were still closed, but the feeling of being gently shaken was strong. "Mhmm?" The American groaned. He opened his eyes and saw his father kneeling in front of him.


"Yeah. . ?" He replied tiredly. The meeting he had had gone on late into the night.

"It's time to wake up, son."

America sat up and yawned again while stretching his arms above his head.

"I've got breakfast ready on the table." Britain sounded tired. More so than America.

"Did you sleep, dad?"

"After taking the pills, I managed to get an hour or so of sleep, yes. . ."

The Brit disappeared into the kitchen. America sighed and stood up. He twisted his back side to side and made his way upstairs. He got dressed in his room and came out wearing a long-sleeved white button-up and black suit pants. On his way down the hall, he knocked on his children's doors, waking them up. "Wakey wakey, everyone!

Through the closed doors, muffled groaning and complaints could be heard. Nonetheless, fifty children "marched" out of their rooms and downstairs.

As the children entered the kitchen, they saw Britain cutting some fruit into a bowl.


They all screamed. Rushing footsteps ran forward, and the Brit was knocked off his feet. America caught the knife before it fell and let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, kiddos!"

Britain chuckled tiredly.

"How have you all been?"

"Good!" They cheered.

"Alright, everyone. Let Grandpa have some space. He's had a LOOOONG trip to be here."

There were a few pouts, but the children got off of the Brit. "Now, Grandpa has prepared a lovely breakfast for you all." America helped his father stand up and sat him down by the table. Everyone was seated, and loud conversation broke out. Some kids were laughing, others were playing with their food, but most were eating normally. Britain ate a few bites before feeling his drowsiness kick a little. He let out a sigh and supported his head with his right arm.

One of the children noticed this and made her thoughts known.


The island looked up with tired eyes and smiled weakly.

"Yes, Montana?"

"Why do you look. . . uhm. . ."


"No. . ."




"Tired! Why do you look so tired, Grandpa? Are you ok?"

Britain chuckled softly. He nodded and opened his mouth to speak. "I just have a bit of jetlag, is all, Treasure. . ."

(I did research!!! "The Treasure State" is a nickname given to Montana!!)

By now, everyone was listening and paying attention to the Brit's words.

"Jetlag?" Colorado repeated in confusion.

"What's that?" Ohio asked and swallowed a bit of his meal. There was a chorus of "Yeah's".

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