Chapter X

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Started: 24/10/2023 [19:01 PM]
Anything mentioned in this chapter is for entertainment ONLY! Whatever I've written is meant for the story plot ONLY!

"Soviet. I need you to do me a solid. . ."

Silence engulfed the room as America waited for the Russian's response.

"A solid?"

"Look. I know we're not on the same side-"

"We at war."

"But I REALLY need your help right now!"

"Help? With what."

"Britain. . ."

There was silence and then the sound of shuffling on the Russian's side.

"Британия? (Britain?) Is ok?"

"He could be in danger!"

"What mean is in danger!?"

America held the phone away from his ear for a moment before talking again.

"The plane that was supposed to take him back to London suddenly changed its course mid-flight!"

"To where!?"



"Listen! Are you gonna help or not!?"

"I help, да!" (Yes!)

"I don't care how you Russians deal with things, but. . . Save him.



Time: 22:37 PM
Location: Moscow


Soviet slammed the phone down. He was fuming. . . He gritted his teeth and swiped his arm across his desk. Spewing all his papers and other ornaments to the floor. Soviet walked with a cold aurora that followed him. He walked downstairs and grabbed his coat from the coat rack.

"Папа?" (Papa?)

Estonia looked up from the puzzle she was doing. "Куда ты идешь?" (Where are you going?)

"Ребята, одевайтесь потеплее и ждите меня внизу. . ." (Everyone, get dressed warmly, and meet me downstairs. . .) The Russian's words were cold. Colder than usual. . .

All fifteen children scrambled upstairs and got dressed in jackets and coats. They all rushed downstairs again and waited at the door. Soviet put on his ushanka and wrapped a scarf around his neck. He opened the door and led his children to the car.

Once everyone was seated and strapped in. Soviet drove down the snowy driveway.

"Папа, куда мы идем?" (Papa, where are we going?)

Estonia asked again.

"В офис, дорогая. . ." (To the office, dear. . .)

"Хорошо." (Ok.)

The drive was quiet. Normally, the kids would be screaming and kicking each other, but Soviet's tone of voice said a lot. . .

After an hour of driving, the car stopped in front of a hidden bunker entrance that was covered in snow. Soviet led his kids to the bunker entrance.

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