Chapter XIV

557 15 41

Started: 14/11/2023 [20:26 PM]
Long Chapter, woah!

Soviet walked back in the tent to find Britain chatting with the other four men of the squad. Viktor was keeping to himself, away from the group. He sat beside the Brit, sometimes seeking glances in his direction. Thankfully, it went unnoticed. . .

After an hour of sharing stories, "Oos" and "Ahhs" the island let out a soft yawn. "Sorry- excuse my manners. . ." He said apologetically.

"Nah. It's fine." Ivan waved a hand. "You should get some rest. We'll head back in the morning."

Britain nodded while smiling. "Thank you for rescuing me, mate." Britain leaned back and rested his head on Soviet's shoulder. The larger country made no move to protest, stunning everyone except Viktor. Soviet decided to close his eye, too. Vladimir looked from his team to the two who were peacefully falling asleep.

"When did he become OK with people leaning on his shoulder!?"

"Since now I guess. . ." Igor said, baffled.


The sound of soft snores sang out into the night atmosphere. Everyone was sound asleep. Even the creatures of the dark made no sound. Not a peep. . .

Britain shifted and sat in Soviet's lap. Head resting on his shoulder still, and arms clasped around his neck. Soviet reached out and held the Brit by his waist. They slept like that till morning, peaceful and comfortable. . . Ivan turned over and opened his blues eyes tiredly. He blinked a few times before he registered what lay before him.

'Oh my fucking god-'

Ivan twisted and shook Igor awake. Igor ignored him and just grunted. Ivan sighed and kicked Igor's back hard. "Ow-!" Igor angrily stared Ivan down with announce. "What!?" He hissed under his breath. "Look!" Ivan pointed to their country. "Wha-" Igor looked over his shoulder and almost felt his heart skip a beat.

"Are they-"

"Cuddling? Yeah!" Ivan screeched in a kind of "New it!" manner. The two slowly woke up the rest of the gang. Viktor took one glance before smiling, too. "New it. . ." He whispered and fist pumped Ivan. "Ooo! Should we test how protective he is?" Boris suggested excitedly. "Yes! Good idea~" Ivan crawled his way closer to the two. He waited for the rest of the group before counting down on his fingers. 'Three. Two. One!'

Boris gently gripped the Brit and pulled lightly. As expected, Britain was pulled back, and Soviet's grip tightened impossibly more. Ivan couldn't help but squeal in his head! Boris let go, and they all crawled back to their original spots.

"That is too cute!" Ivan threw his hands up. Viktor just chuckled and laid down again. He turned over and went back to sleep. Boris joined, too, falling asleep within minutes. Ivan was left to ramble on to Igor.

"-They would make such a cute couple!"

"How do we know this isn't just some coincidence?"

"Coincidence? Coincidence! Have you taken a look at their possession right now? How can that be a "coincidence"!?"

"I dunno, Ivan. . . I'm tired and it's not even the break of dawn. Just- go back to sleep and forget about this. . ." Igor slumped down on the floor next to Vladimir and fell asleep. Ivan sighed and laid down, too. He took a last glance at the two countries cuddling. He had never seen his country so at peace before. . . Ivan closed his eyes. He'd ask them in the morning~


Time: 06:42 AM


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