✨️ Bonus Chap ✨️

735 18 75

Started: 19/11/2023 [16:50 PM]

HA HA, you thought! You thought I was gonna end it like that? Fuck you if you did! (Plz no mad at me. . .)

This- oh oh! This is where the good stuff begins~ *evil laughs*

Long Chapter, woah!

Soviet hastily threw on his tux coat while running down the stairs.

"Дети, поехали!" (Kids, let's go!)

Soviet waited at the bottom for any movement. When none came, he let out a sigh and turned to his now husband, Britain, for help. The Brit chuckled and wavered over. "Kiddies-" without a second to spare, rushing footsteps thundered down. One by one, all of Soviet's children lined up. They, too, were dressed smartly, thanks to Britain's sense of style. . .


"Alright. Does everyone have everything? Has everyone used the loo before we go?

"Yes, mum!"

They all cheered. Britain smiled and planted a kiss on each of their heads. "Alright, then off we go!" The kids all ran out of the house, giggling away.

Soviet walked up from behind the Brit, wrapping his arms around his torso. "You do wonders. . ." He mumbled and gave Britain's neck a kiss. "Let's go." The two left the house before locking it. They climbed into the limousine that Britain had called. As soon as they sat down, the kids were all over the place. . .

"Боже мой, посмотрите, какая большая эта машина!" (Oh my god- look at how big this car is!)

"Вы поражены этим? Взгляните на это пространство комнаты!" (You're amazed by that? Check out this room space!)

"Почувствуйте, насколько мягкие сиденья!" (Feel how soft the seats are!)

"Это алкоголь?" (Is that alcohol?)

"Вау!" (Woah!)

"Ах!" (Ahh!)

"Аквариум!?" (An aquarium!?)

"Аааа ха-ха-ха!" (Aahhh hahaha!)

"Oh brother. . ." Soviet sighed in defeat. He looked up when his husband placed a hand on his shoulder, smiling. "They're kids, Sov. Let them be, well, kids. . ." Soviet leaned into Britain. "But they going to break something, I feel it. . ." A loud cry of war rang out. "See?" Britain only laughed lovingly. "That's how kids behave when they experience something new. This-" Britain opened his arms. "-Is definitely new to them!" Soviet scoffed but ended up smiling in the end. "Remember when it was our wedding day?" The question broke whatever silence there was between them. "Да." (Yes.) Soviet raised an eyebrow.

"Well- I was some what similar to how they are behaving!"

"But- you were calm as always!"

"Not at first, mate. . . You see, when I was being fitted into my suit, I was an emotional wreck. . . Again. . . For the third time. . . That hour. . ." Britain flushed with embarrassment. "But-" His voice became slightly higher in pitch. "-I wondered and spent time around the venue. To really absorb what was about to happen soon. It wasn't until the last ten minutes before my queue to go out was announced that I finally experienced it all. I took my time to fit in. . ." Soviet softly smiled and kissed Britain on the side of his head.

One of the kids watched this and smirked. "Ooo~ Папы (Papa's) kissing Mum~" Georgia cooed. That caught everyone's attention from rampaging the limo.

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