Chapter IV

750 19 109

Started 26/09/2023 [Time 22:30 PM]

<Warning: Kissing, biting, making out, slight moaning>
(Any further is not advertised for persons under the age of Thirteen but who am I to fucking tell you horny arse's what to do. You have been warned!)

"Shut up and kiss me again, you prat!"

Britain smiled and kissed the larger one again. Soviet held Britain by his waist, pushing him against the wall. The heat of the moment turned them both on. Britain broke the kiss for air. He leaned his head back against the wall, softly panting. Soviet moved one of his hands and caressed the side of the Brit's face.

Britain leaned into the touch and slowly opened his eyes. His emerald green eyes that Soviet could stare into for all eternity. . .

There was a moment of silence as the two just stared at each other. Taking in their partner's features. "I've loved you for a while, Sov. . ." The Brit whispered. He wrapped his arms around the slav's neck, bringing the two closer together. "And I realized that if I wanted to be happy in life-" Britain interrupted himself. He slid one hand down to Soviet's chest. "-I'd have to love you~"

Soviet's hand caressed itself to hold the Brit's chin again and pulled him in softly. Their lips interlocked. Soviet gently bit down on Britain's lower lip, asking for entrance. Being a tease, the island refused his request, earning him a grunt from the larger. Soviet opened his eyes in a squint. Looking at his lover with confusion and lust. Britain opened his eyes too and stared straight at Soviet's golden eye. He emedietly shut his eyes again when he felt his lip being bit again but more harshly than before.


Britain moaned into the kiss. The two separated again. Britain gasped out. A small trail of blood lining the smaller's bottom lip.

"Sorry. Didn't mean bite hard~"

"I-It's. . . Ok-"

Before Britain couldn't finish his sentence, Soviet emedietly went back in. Instead of biting, he softly licked the blood, tasting the metallic in his mouth. Britain's grip on the Russian's back tightened as he felt his body slam into the wall again. On impact, he let out a groan. Soviet smirked into the kiss and bit down again but softly this time.

Learning his lesson, the Brit obeyed and parted his lips, letting the taller's tongue roam the inside of his mouth. The heat was boiling between the two as their tongues twisted, each fighting for dominance.

They parted with a string of saliva that broke away. The faint taste of vodka lingered in the Brit's mouth.

The room seemed to have warmed up.

Britain felt something rise in him. His eyes widened. He felt his face flood with embarrassment as he blushed hard. Soviet moved his face close to the island's ear.

A low chuckle escapes the slav's mouth. "You so beautiful when a mess~" Soviet whispered into the Brit's ear. Britain could feel the larger's breath against his skin. Britain looked down at the position they were in.

Soviet's body pressed up against his.

His face was so close.

The lust laced in his words

The feeling of his clothed member against his.

It turned him on. Alot. . .

"May I?"

The Brit heard Soviet ask and nodded with a bit of hesitation. The slav smiled softly, seeing the nervousness. "It be ok. I won't hurt you. . ." He said in a husky, yet calming tone and bit down into the island's neck, earning him a surprised soft moan from the other.

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