Chapter VIII

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Started: 20/10/2023 [18:49 PM]

"Let's begin. . ."

Britain said in a stern voice. It sent a chill down America and Canada's spines. The last time Britain had ever been this serious was at the last World Meeting in the UN building. . .

"Now. I know you-" the Brit held a hand at Canada. "-may have some questions."

"I would say that 'some' questions are an understatement."

Britain breathed a sigh. He clasped his hands together and crossed one leg over the other. "Alright. You have many questions, I presume?" The Canadian nodded his head in agreement.

"Ask away. . ."

"What were you doing in Moscow?"

"I simply had the task of delivering a message to the USSR."

"America said you stayed longer than intended. Why?"

"A blizzard so happened to choose that very moment to begin, and I was snowed in until the weather cleared up."

"What was the message?"

Britain looked at his eldest son. America sighed and turned his body to face Canada. "I wanted to ask the USSR about the missiles in Cuba. But I guess it didn't go so well from what dad has reported back to me. . ."

"What did he report back?"

"That the USSR will not remove them unless I remove mine from Turkey."

Canada thought for a moment and processed this new information.

"Why didn't you send a letter on Wednesday?"

"Where would I have had the time, Canada? Making sure the USSR didn't try anything and trying to gather information was my main priority." Britain exaggerated his words. In fact, he was downright lying to his sons's faces. No, the island was indeed NOT trying to gather information. He WASN'T making sure the other did anything because they fucking made out and got at far as cuddling in the same bed together!

(Just me faning over the ship😅)

"Right. . . Sorry."

Britain's lips formed a line.

"I was just worried about you. . ."

"I understand, Canada. I'm sorry for making you all worry."

As the room went quiet, Britain closed his eyes, feeling the headache burn his head.



"Do you happen to have any more of those headache pills?"

"Uh, yeah. I'll get them." America said. He stood up from the couch and made his way upstairs into his office.


Canada stared at Britain. The Brit opened one eye. "Is something wrong, Canada?" He asked. The Canadian blushed from embarrassment and looked away.

"S-sorry, dad. It's just. . ." Canada let out a sigh, calming himself. "I love you, and you know that. But I'm scared. . ."

"Scared about what, Canada~?" Britain's words were reassuring and calm.
"You could've died. You said a gun was pointed at your head! What if he pulled the trigger? What stopped him?"

Britain stayed silent for a moment.

"I don't know. . ." Britain looked away. He remembered that night his nose bled. 'Why didn't he pull it?' The Brit thought to himself. America came rushing down the stairs and handed two pills to his father. He went to fetch a glass of water. A few seconds later, a glass of cold water was placed on the coffee table in front of Britain. He picked it up and took each pill one at a time, using the same method the previous night.

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