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I was sixteen when it happened.

When my messed up, self-destructive life turned upside down with the addition of one simple man. Though it wasn't the first time we'd met. And I suppose he wasn't really very simple at all, even if it may have been easier if he was.

My life had never been normal after my parents had died to Shu mercenaries tracking down Grisha. They found out what I was, and my mother and father blew themselves up to give me a chance to get away.

I smuggled myself onto a ship when I was seven years old. I didn't know where it was going, I didn't care. Sometimes I wonder if I would've done different if I'd known it would take me straight to Novokribirsk and a squadron of Second Army Grisha.

I trapped myself in a life I never asked for surrounded by people that scared me beyond belief. I trusted no one, and I never opened up. Until one lonely child helped out another and found me a way out of the Little Palace.

Ever since then I'd lived a life on the run, never staying in one place as long as it meant I stayed under the radar. And the best way to accomplish that was to avoid the scanners altogether.

After all, Grisha testers didn't pay much heed to the rats swimming in the ocean.

The crystal water was the perfect home for a home-less Tidemaker, as long as I avoided military vessels and privateers hired by the royal family.

It all went so well until I met him.

hey there demons, it's ya boi

so I know season 2 has been out for months and I have in fact been working on this since it came out because Nikolai Lantsov is the love of my life

I'm gonna be working on releasing this on track with when I'm releasing Swan Song and Midnight Thoughts, and as with the others, you do not have to read them first but it may be helpful as some characters that will be appearing in this already had introductions in the other two books and I may not say as much about them in this

anyway, anyway, I'm super excited about this book and I cannot WAIT for you to meet Marina :)

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