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*ahem* proceed

Marina and Nikolai ducked into his chambers quietly, and Marina instantly fell backwards onto the bed. She sighed contently, and Nikolai laughed.

"How much have you been on your feet today?" he asked her. She craned her neck to look up at him and furrowed her brows.

"I think the last time I sat down was when I got up this morning." Nikolai laughed loudly and shook his head.

"Rin, it's well past noon!" he said. She smiled tiredly and rolled her eyes.

"I'm well aware, dileas. But I haven't exactly had a chance, Alina's been asking about the ship and being Grisha and where I came from. And I'm more than happy to answer, but it does get exhausting." He hummed with a smile and sat down on the bed, laying on his side next to her.

"Oh, is moya devochka getting tired?" he asked. "Do you need to relax, take a break?" She rolled her eyes and laid back, sighing deeply.

"Lapushka, are you at all capable of saying something without making it suggestive?" He grinned and shrugged.

"I am, but it's much more fun my way."

"More fun for who is the question." He grinned and brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

"I think we both know it's more fun for you too." She rolled her eyes and looked over at him, glaring playfully. He did his best to hold back a smile but eventually gave in, pressing a lingering kiss to her cheek. "Eya fyela chi, moya tsaritsa." He jumped up from the bed as the two heard faint, angry footsteps approaching. Marina sat up, leaning against the wall as Nikolai leaned over the desk. The door soon flew open, and Alina marched in.

"Did Mal tell you to alter course?" she asked. Nikolai sighed and turned to face her.

"No," he said, "that would be your captain." He pointed at himself, and she furrowed her brows.

"Why?" Marina sighed and stood up, crossing her arms.

"It's a brief change to make use of an Eastern wind," she said, doing her best to explain in understandable terms for someone not used to ship life. "We'll make better time." Nikolai nodded and pointed down at the map.

"Your tracker wouldn't say why," he said, "but of all of the islands, he believes the Sea Whip is here." He looked up at the Sun Summoner. "You want to explain that?" She frowned and shook her head.

"No." He sighed and shrugged.

"What's this about?"

"I'm the client." He rolled his eyes and turned away from her, pouring himself a glass of rum.

"No client of mine has ever made such demands." She shrugged.

"No client of yours can do what I can do."

"Well, fair enough." He grabbed his glass and sat on the edge of his desk. "But that's not what this is about, is it?" Alina furrowed her brows.

"What do you mean?"

"Trust is a tricky needle to thread for both of us." He looked at Marina and held out the glass. "Want some, darling?" She sighed and walked over, taking the glass and drinking a bit before handing it back as Nikolai turned back to Alina. "You need to trust that I don't have some ulterior motive, and I need to trust we aren't chasing a myth." Marina nodded.

"The difference is you behave like somebody who's already been betrayed," she said. "Trust me, I've seen that plenty before. And that puts you in a tight spot for the task ahead." Nikolai sighed.

"You can't do it all on your own," he said. "You need us." Alina stiffened and nodded.

"And you need me if you're going to get your money," she said. "We all know that's only as long as I remain valuable to you." Nikolai chuckled under his breath.

"Well, you are very fancy cargo, it's true," he agreed. "But do you really understand why?" He shook his head. "It's not just because you'll destroy the Fold. It's because you're a symbol." Marina rested her hands on her hips, looking up at Alina.

"You're not just sunshine, sunshine," she said. "You're hope for the future. For your country and for mine and for everyone else in the world." Nikolai shrugged.

"Seems it's not us who need convincing of that. It's you." Tamar walked into the room confidently and looked between Nikolai and Marina.

"We're close," the Shu woman told them. Marina smiled as Nikolai grinned, stepping around Alina and clapping a hand down on Tamar's shoulder.

"Time for my favorite part!" he said happily. He grabbed his coat off a chair and slung it over his arm, returning to grab Marina's hand before the two left the cabin. 

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