Chapter - 3

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Utahime was lying on a bed. She just regained consciousness.

Shoko was checking Utahime. Apart from Shoko, Mei Mei and Principal Gakuganji were present in the room.

'Mei and Principal Gakuganji, could you please leave the room ? I have something important to say with Utahime.' said Shoko with a serious face.

Mei and Gakuganji left the room.

Shoko said to Utahime, 'Utahime do you have any idea why were you fainted ?'

'No, I don't.' answered Utahime.

'Utahime, I am suspecting that you are pregnant. That's why you fainted.' said Shoko.

'WHAT ? I AM PREGNANT!!' Utahime shouted.

'Yeah you are. You should do a pregnency test for being sure about it. But who is the father ?' Shoko asked.

After hearing Shoko question Utahime remembered those nights. The nights when she and Gojo....

[ Short explanation about what and why Gojo and Utahime did that....

Utahime went to meet Gojo after he was released from Realm Prison. She was so worried about Gojo. When she met him she suddenly him and left Gojo surprised.
Then Gojo said to Utahime that he was so strong that nothing could happen to him. But hearing this Utahime got angry and said to Gojo that she was worrying about him for no reason. Gojo was surprised to hear that Utahime was worrying about him. Gojo asked Utahime why she was worrying about him. Then Utahime finally said that she realized that she loved Gojo, that's why she was worrying about him.
Gojo was shocked. Utahime was about to leave but Gojo hugged her form behind and said that he was also in love with Utahime for a long time.

After this incident, they started dating and ended up doing that.]

'Utahime who is the father ?' Utahime was thinking about all these things, suddenly Shoko's words returned her consciousness.

'The father is... Gojo....' said Utahime in a low voice.

'Oh God, Gojo!' said Shoko.

Shoko remained silent for a while and said, 'Firstly we need to sure about your pregnancy. You need to do a pregnency test. I shall bring a pregnency kit for you in the evening.'

Utahime nodded.

In the evening...

Shoko brought two pregnancy kit.

'Utahime go and test.' Shoko said.

'Yeah' said Utahime.

Few minutes later...

'Sho...Shoko...both are positive...' Utahime said with a trembling voice.

'Don't panic Utahime. Now you need to make a decision. Do you want to keep the baby ?' said Shoko.

'The baby, it's my baby...not my...our baby...' Utahime thought, 'Gojo is gone but he gave the baby to me so that I would not be alone.'

'I will keep the baby.' Utahime said.

'I will support you about that. But at first you need to leave Japan as soon as possible.' said Shoko.


'At this moment, we cannot tell anyone about your pregnancy, because the baby in your womb is Gojo's child, so he can have the same power as Gojo. That's why Japan is now very dangerous for you and your child. Even if Sukuna is dead, we still have many enemies alive and Gojo clan also has many enemies. If they find out about Gojo's child, they will try to kill you both.
So it's better for you to leave Japan as soon as possible.' said Shoko.

'Yeah you are right. But where do I go?
I don't know anyone outside of Japan.' Utahime said worriedly.

'Don't worry. I know someone who can help you.' said Shoko.

'Who is that person ?' asked Utahime.

'The person is Iris Adams.' answered Shoko.

'Iris Adams... Who is that ?' asked Utahime.

'Iris was my junior in Jujutsu High. She is also my friend. She lives in America.' said Shoko.

Iris Adams : Her father was an American. He was an business man. For his business, he came to Japan and fall in love with Iris's mother. They got married. After their marriage they started to live in Japan and one year layer Iris was born. As Iris has cursed energy, her parents decided to admit her in Jujutsu High. When she was in first year, Shoko was in third year.  Iris went to Shoko to fix the injury. After that they became good friend.】

Shoko was talking with Iris in phone. Utahime was thinking about how her life changed that much.

'I have told everything to Iris. She said that she has no problem if you are going to stay with her in America. Utahime, prepare yourself. Within two days we need to arrange everything.' said Shoko.

'I am ready.' said Utahime.

'Good' said Shoko with a small smile.

Two days later...
At airport...

'Did you take every important thing ?' asked Shoko.

'Yeah. Don't worry.' said Utahime.

'Ok. Your flight will arrive soon. Be careful and take care of yourself and your baby' said Shoko.

'Yeah I will. And thankyou Shoko for everything. I don't know how can I repay it.' said Utahime.

'You do not need to repay. I needed to do many things for many people but I couldn't. Now I can do something for my best friend, this is my biggest achievement.' said Shoko.

Utahime hugged Shoko and said, 'It's my achievement that I get a best friend like you.'

Shoko hugged back Utahime and said 'It is same for me.'

At this time it was announced that Utahime's flight had arrived.

'Good bye Utahime. Take care.' said Shoko.

'Yeah. I hope everything will be all right.' said Utahime.

'Don't worry, everything will be all right.' said Shoko.

'Bye' said Shoko.

'Bye' said Utahime.

What will happen to Utahime and her baby in future ? Will everything be all right ?

For knowing that please continue to read this story.

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