Chapter - 8

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"Are you absolutely sure about the information you have given?" said a man whose whole body was covered with a black cloak.

"I am hundred percent sure about it." another voice was heard but no one was seen.

"So it's mean, Satoru Gojo is alive." said the man with black cloak.

"Yeah... I suspect that brat is Satoru." said that mysterious voice.

"I agree with you." said the cloak man, "By the way, what about that child ?"

"Which child ?" said that mysterious voice.

"I am talking about that kid who looks like Gojo." said the cloak man.

"I don't have much information about him. I shall let you know if I get any information." said mysterious voice.

"Satoru Gojo You fooled me once." said the cloak man, "But now it's your turn to lose."
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"Akito, Utahime good morning." said Seikyo.

"Good Morning, Seikyo." said Utahime.

"Good Morning, old man." said Akito.

Seikyo came to Shoko's house almost everyday.

Shoko was out because of her work. Utahime was going somewhere.

"Are you going somewhere ?" said Seikyo.

Utahime replied, "Yes, I am going to the market. I am talking of taking Akito with me. But now you are here, so you and Akito stay at home. I shall come back soon."

"We will go with you." said Seikyo.

"Yes.. we will go." said Akito.

"But it will take me some time to market." said Utahime.

"We don't have any problem. We can wait." said Seikyo.

"Ok then let's go." said Utahime.

They started to walk towards the market. 
Utahime went to the market and started shopping. Holding Seikyo's hand, Akito wandered around the shops.

Some time later...

Utahime finished her shopping. Seikyo took Akito to buy ice cream. So Utahime was waiting for them.

Suddenly Utahime heard a voice, "Oh.. Sensei you are so kind that you trust everyone."

Utahime was startled. This voice belongs to Mechamaru but he was dead. Utahime got a little scared. She looked around but saw nothing suspicious.

Utahime said, "Who are you ? What do you want ?"

Mechamaru's voice said, "I want you to be more careful. Don't leave your son with anyone. Who knows when any damage is acquired. Someone came and said he was Satoru Gojo's brother and you believed it too. Have you ever wondered why he is treating you so well? Have you tried to know his real identity? Try to know these Sensei... try to know..."

Slowly the voice faded away. Utahime was standing stiffly.

She was thinking, "Yeah, it's true that I trust Seikyo. But is he really Satoru's brother ? Why is he treating us so good ? What is he up to ?"

"Mom, let's go home now." Hearing Akito's voice, her consciousness returned.

"Hmm, let's go." said Utahime.

Seikyo noticed that Utahime was thinking about something. But he didn't speak anything. After reaching home, they found that Shoko had come home.

"How was your shopping ?" said Shoko with a smile.

"Good." said Utahime, "Shoko, you take Akito inside. I have something to talk with Seikyo."

Shoko saw that Utahime was serious. She didn't say anything. Shoko went inside with Akito.

"Seikyo, what are you up to ? Why are you treating us so well ?" asked Utahime.

"Why are you suddenly saying that ? You are my friend and Akito is my nephew. So it's my duty to take care of you." said Seikyo.

"Really ? But as I remember, a long time ago when I and Satoru didn't even start dating, Satoru told ma that he didn't know how it feels to have siblings. I forgot it but now I remember. TELL ME WHO ARE YOU ?"

Seikyo didn't say anything for a while. Then he smiled a little and said, "You want to know who I am? I am your lover, for whom you shed your tears." Seikyo's hair color slowly turned white as he spoke, "I am Akito's father and the strongest jujutsu sorcerer Gojo Satoru."


Who are those mysterious people who wants to kill Satoru ? How can Utahime hear Mechamaru's voice ? Is Mechamaru alive ? How can Satoru Gojo survived ?

For knowing that please continue to read this story....

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