Chapter - 10

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I am really sorry for the late post. My exam has ended few days ago. Now I will continue to write this story again.

And Thankyou everyone for supporting me ❤️


Now enjoy the story....

Gojo was driving the car very fast. He was only thinking about one thing, 'Where is Utahime ?'. After sometime Gojo and Shoko reached at the police station. When Shoko was about to enter to the police station, she noticed that Gojo was standing like a statue.

Shoko said, "Seikyo! Seikyo! Come fast."

Satoru regained his consciousness. "Shoko, go back to your house. I'll be right back." Saying this Gojo ran towards a solitary lane and teleported.

Some moments ago...

Gojo was driving the car. Suddenly he heard a smoky voice. He felt like someone was talking inside of him.

The voice said, "If you want to rescue Utahime, then come to *** location."

(I don't give any place name 😅. But it is the location of a basement.)

Back to the present...

Gojo teleported to the location and saw that he was in a dark basement. But because of his six eyes he could see everything.

"Welcome Gojo Satoru." Suddenly that smokey voice said.

Gojo did not give any answer to that voice and ran towards Utahime. She was standing in a corner. When Gojo went closer to Utahime, he felt Utahime was not normal.

"I can manipulate human mind. She is under my control now." said that voice, "If you want her to be free, you need to kill me. But as long as Utahime is there, she won't let you near me."

"YOU BUSTARD." Gojo shouted.

Suddenly Utahime kicked Gojo. But thanks to his infinity, Utahime's leg did not touch Gojo's body. Gojo understood that the curse was controlling her. Utahime was weaker than Gojo. But how could he hurt her ?

"I need to make Utahime unconscious." Gojo thought.

Gojo hit Utahime on the back of the neck to knock her out. Utahime was going to fall but Gojo caught her. Gojo laid Utahime on the floor.

Gojo faced towards the curse. He was going to escape but Gojo teleported and caught the curse.

"What happened ? Courage ran out ? Now it's my duty to make your death the most painful death." Gojo said.

Gojo killed that curse in a most brutal way. After that he held Utahime and teleported to Shoko's house. Gojo pounded the door.

Shoko opened the door and became shocked to see Gojo and Utahime.

"What happened to her ?" Shoko asked.

"I shall tell you everything later. Now she needs to be treated first." Said Gojo.

Gojo carried Utahime into the room and laid her on the bed.

"How is she ?" Gojo asked.

"She is ok. After some time she will regain consciousness." Said Shoko.

Gojo let out a sigh of relief.

Some time later Utahime slowly opened her eyes.
"Where am I ? What happened to me ?" She asked.

"You are in my house Utahime. Nothing happened to you. You don't need to remember anything." said Shoko.

Gojo nodded. He said, "I am leaving now. I have some work. Rest well Utahime."

Before leaving Gojo said to Shoko, "Enemies are always looking for opportunities to harm us. Watch out for Utahime and Akito."

Shoko nodded.

What will happen to Gojohime ? Will everything be ok ?

For knowing that please continue to read this story...

And check out my new story "Special Moments". It is GojoHime one sort collection.

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