Chapter - 4

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Time flows like a river. 6 years have passed since Utahime left Japan.

After 6 years, finally Utahime can come to Japan because Shoko gave her permission to come Japan, as Japan is not that dangerous to Utahime now.

Actually Utahime was requesting Shoko for long time so that she can come to Japan. But everytime Shoko rejected her request.
Some days ago Shoko finally gave her permission to come Japan. So Utahime decided to go Japan.

In present time...

'Utahime, long time no see... How are you ?' Saying this, Shoko hugged Utahime.

'I am fine. What about you ?' Utahime said and hugged Shoko back.

'I am fine. How are you, Akito ?' Shoko asked this question to a little boy who was holding hands with Utahime. The boy was around 6 years old and his hair colour was white and eye colour was blue.


Akito looks like this...

Akito looks like this

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Akito is so cute ❤️. What do you think ? Write in the comment section .

Back to the story....

'I am fully fine. You know aunt Shoko, I am strong so nothing can happen to me.' Akito said with a big smile.

'Oh I see..' Shoko said with a smile.

'Get in the car, let's go home.' said Shoko.

'Yeah, let's go.' said Utahime.

After some time they reached Shoko's house.

'Wow! your house is so beautiful.' exclaimed Akito.

'Thankyou Aku.' said Shoko.

[Sorry, I forgot to mention that Akito has a nickname. Akito's nickname is Aku.]

They all entered Shoko's house. Akito started looking inside the house with great enthusiasm.

'Everyone freshen up, then we shall talk.' said Shoko.

'Okkk' said Akito.

Some time later....

Shoko and Utahime were gossiping about many things. Akito was roaming in the house.

'Shoko, I am curious about one thing. ' said Utahime.

'About what ?' said Shoko.

'Why are you allow me to come to Japan now ?' asked Utahime.

'Actually Utahime, in the last two years, many curses and the enemies of the Jujutsu world have died for some unknown reason, and many have disappeared. We don't know who killed them or who made them disappear.
We searched a lot but found nothing. But there was a benefit. Due to the death of many enemies of the Jujutsu world, Japan is now safe for you, so I have allowed you to come to Japan.' said Shoko.

'Oh... I see..' said Utahime, 'But I am really happy to come to Japan after so long.'

'I am also happy to meet you after long time.' said Shoko.

Just then, Utahime's phone rang.

'Oh, it's Iris.' said Utahime. She picked the call.

'Hello! Are you back home?' asked Utahime.

'Yes, I went back home.
I returned a while ago.
You are having so much fun there.' said Iris.

'Come too, you'll have fun too.' said Shoko.

'I thought I would go but some works fell out. I will go after work if I can.' said Iris.

While Utahime, Shoko and Iris were talking, Akito was walking around the room. He was very bored.

At that time, he noticed a picture inside a room. The room probably belongs to Shoko. The picture inside the room that Akito noticed was a group picture. There were three people in the picture. Aunty Shoko was in the middle of the picture, she had two boys on either side. One had black hair, fair looks. But another looked like Akito. That boy also had white hair and blue eyes.

'Who is this man ? Why is he fully look like me ?' Akito thought, 'I need to know who is this man.'


Can Akito know who is that man ? What will be his reaction ?

For knowing that continue to read the story.

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