Chapter - 5

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The next day...

Last night Utahime and Shoko talked for a long time because of that they got up a little late this morning.

They all sat down to have breakfast, when Shoko's phone rang. Shoko picked up the call. It was Yuji Itadori.

'Hello, Miss Shoko, can you come to Jujutsu High now?' Yuji said excitedly.

'Why? What happened ?' asked Shoko.

'Actually a man came a while ago. The man says that he is Gojo Sensei's brother.' said Yuji.

'WHAT ?' Shoko asked. She was so surprised.

'We are surprised to hear that man. But the guy really looks like Gojo Sensei.' said Yuji.

'Well, I'm going to Jujutsu High in a little while.' said Shoko.

'What's the matter ?' asked Utahime.

'Yuji says that a man has come to Jujutsu High. He looks like Gojo.' said Shoko.

Utahime was so surprised that for few moments she can't say anything.

While Shoko was getting ready to leave, Utahime said, 'Can I go with you ?'

'Yes, you can go. But can Aku stay alone at home?' said Shoko.

'Aku, I and Shoko have to go to a place for some important work. Can you stay home alone for a while?' Utahime asked Akito.

'Yeah, I can.' said Akito while watching TV.

'Don't go outside the house. Stay in the room.' Utahime instructed Akito.

'Ok...ok...' said Akito.

'Ok, Utahime let's go.' said Shoko.

'Yeah.' said Utahime.

After some time they reached Jujutsu High. They saw that Itadori was waiting for them.

Yuji was a bit surprised to see Utahime.
'Oh, Iori Sensei! Long time no see. How are you ?' said Itadori with a smile.

'I am fine. How are you all ?' said Utahime.

'We are fine.' said Itadori.

'Yuji, that man..' said Shoko.

'He is waiting for you.' said Itadori.

'Ok then, let's go.' said Shoko.

Few minutes later they reached the room where everyone was waiting for them.

Utahime, Shoko and Yuji entered into the room. Everyone was surprised to see Utahime. But noone said anything.

'Good Morning... I am really sorry for disturb you. But I really need to talk about a very important matter with all of you.' said the man.

But in response to the man's words, Shoko and Utahime could not say anything in surprise. Because the man who was standing in front of them fully looked like Gojo. His eye colour, his skin tone everything was just like Gojo. The only one difference was his hair colour. Gojo's hair colour was white but this man's hair colour was black.

After some time, Radha managed herself and said, 'What is your relationship with Satoru ?'

'Opps! Sorry... I don't introduce myself. I am Seikyo Gojo. Satoru and I are twin brothers.' said Seikyo.

The entire room was silent, no one said a word. Shoko broke the silence of the room and said 'How can we believe you? What proof is there that you are not our enemy? And after all these years, what do you have to do with us ? Where were you when Gojo died?'. It was clear from Radha's voice that she was angry.

Seikyo answered, 'I can understand why are you asking this questions. I can explain everything. Firstly, you can investigate in the Gojo clan about me. After all, they are not going to tell a unknown person their family member. And the reason why I didn't able to come at the of my brother's death is my clan members.'

'What ? Your clan members did not allow you to come at the time of your own brother's death !' said Shoko with surprise.

'Yeah, it's true. Actually since birth I was a curse to my family members. Nobody liked me. Everyone thought I was the death knell. Because there is a saying in our family that if one ever has twins and both of them have six eyes, then the one with white hair is blessed and the one with black hair is cursed.' Seikyo paused for a while. Then he started talking again, 'Satoru always looked after for me even if no one in the family liked me. He was the only one who loved me. I was out of Japan on business when he died. When I wanted to come to visit after hearing the news of his death, my family members told me that Satoru died because of me.
If I came to Japan, the Gojo clan would suffer more. So I couldn't come to Japan at that moment.' Tears came to Seikyo's eyes as he spoke.

Utahime put her hand on Seikyo shoulder and said, 'It is not your fault.'

Seikyo wiped away his tears and said, 'Thankyou Miss stand by me. But you know, the meaning of my name is death.'

'The the meaning of your name does not prof that you are guilty. Don't blame yourself.' said Utahime.

'Miss, you are really like my brother. He always used to say this kind of things to me.' said Seikyo.

Utahime just smiled.

'What do you want to tell us ?' said Shoko.

Seikyo said, 'I want to tell you that.........


What did Seikyo say? Is that related to Gojo's death ?

For knowing that please continue to read this story...

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