Chapter - 9

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Sorry friends for late update. Actually I was so busy that I could not get enough time to write 😅.

Form now on I will try to update in right time. But I don't know how much I shall succeed 😅.

Now enjoy the story...
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Utahime couldn't believe her ears. For a moment she thought she was dreaming.

"It's not a dream it's real. I'm really Satoru. I am truly alive." said Seik- Satoru, "That day I-"

Before Satoru could finish speaking, Utahime slapped him on the cheek.

"Do you know what was everyone's state of mind after learning that you died? Have you ever thought about it, how were we after you left? You didn't think about anyone.
How can you be so selfish ?" said Utahime.

"I know how you felt. But don't have any other ways. I need to hide from everyone to work alone." said Satoru, "I didn't want to go away from you either. But circumstances forced me. You got Akito, Shoko and everyone else by your side. But I didn't have anyone by my side. Utahime, can't you please stand by me ?"

Utahime had never seen Gojo make such an expression before.
Utahime emotionally blamed Gojo a lot, but now she realized that Gojo was not irresponsible. Rather, he had to do it for the sake of responsibility.

"Gojo, I am always by your side." said Utahime, "But first tell me everything.
Tell me what you have done in these few years."

"Thankyou Utahime for stay by my side." said Satoru with a smile. Then he started telling what he had done in these years.

"I used a technique to make a dead man look like me. After Sukuna died I teleported myself, leaving her in my place. After a few days of rest, when I recovered, I went undercover to search for news of Kenjaku and the forbidden technique.
Several years passed like this." saying that Satoru stopped for a while.

At that moment, Utahime asked, "Everything was going well. So why did you suddenly contact us?"

"For a few years I was away from everyone in the Jujutsu world. But it was important to communicate with at least one of them.
The news I received must be reported. So I met you all as Seikyo, Satoru Gojo's brother. To make you believe me, I had to make a sad back story for Seikyo." said Satoru.

"Oo...." said Utahime.

"But I didn't expect that I can also meet you and I also have a son." said Satoru.

"It's your fault. If you didn't go that wild in the night then nothing would happen." said Utahime.

"Yeah, it's true. But then you also can't have Akito. Can you ?" said Gojo with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah." said Utahime, "It's getting late. You should go now. Bye.."

Utahime was about to leave, suddenly Gojo hugged her from behind and kissed on her neck. Utahime's face turned into red. She said, "Wha..what are you doing ?"

"I just kiss my lover." said Gojo, "After so many years you finally come to know that I am not dead and you also meet me as Satoru Gojo. Still you don't even kiss me."

Utahime smiled. Gojo was still as same as before. Utahime freed herself form Satoru's hug. She faced towards him and said, "You want a kiss, right ? Then take it.."

After finishing her words, Utahime tiptoed and kissed his lips. Things happened so fast that Gojo could not do anything. Gojo could feel a sweet taste form Utahime's mouth.

"The kiss tastes sweet." said Satoru.

"Oh, really." said Utahime, "I give you what you wanted. Now go."

"But Utahime I am not satisfied. I want some more." said Gojo.

"Not today. I am tired." said Utahime.

"Then what about tomorrow ?" said Satoru.

"Ok, I shall think about that." said Utahime.

"Ok then, see you tomorrow." said Satoru.

"Yeah.." said Utahime.

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The next day....

Satoru was busy since the morning. So he could not came to see Utahime in the morning.

In the evening, Satoru came to see Utahime at Shoko's house. He was just going to knock on the door, that moment the door was opened. Shoko came out with a anxious face. Seeing Gojo she said, "Oh.. Seikyo! It's good that you come."

(Shoko still don't know that Seikyo is Satoru)

After remaining silent for a while, Shoko said, "Seikyo, I am going to the police station."

"What ? Why ?" Satoru said.

"Actually Seikyo, around 4pm Utahime said that she was going to buy some important things. She was so happy today." said Shoko, "But when she did not return after a long time, I started to worry.
I called her but she did not pick up ker phone."

"I will also go with you." said Satoru, "But what about Akito ?"

"He is now asleep. He was also worried for his mother. He was also crying. While crying, he felt asleep." said Shoko.

"Ok then let's go." said Satoru.

"Let's go." said Shoko.


What happened to Utahime ? Is she ok ?

For knowing that please continue to read this story...

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