Chapter - 7

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Utahime explained everything to Seikyo.

"I told you everything. Now, I have only one request for you. Please don't take Akito from me. He is my only treasure." said Utahime.

"No, I will never take Akito from you. Akito is your son. You have full right on him." said Seikyo.

Utahime could not say anything. She could see Satoru into Seikyo. She thought, ''They are so much alike, yet so much different."

"I have a request. Can I meet Akito ?" said Seikyo.

"Yeah, you can. But don't tell Akito about Satoru or Gojo clan. I don't want to involve him in sorcery." said Utahime.

"Don't worry. I will not tell anything to Akito. I also want him to be safe." said Seikyo.

Some time later, Utahime, Shoko and Seikyo reached in Shoko's house. They entered into the house. Akito was still watching TV.

Shoko went to the kitchen for making coffee for everyone.

Utahime said to Akito, "I hope you don't do any mischiefs."

"No, mom. I don't do everything." said Akito with a innocent face.

"Good boy." said Utahime with a smile.

"'Yeah, I know that I am a good boy. By the way, who is that old man ?" said Akito while pointing at Seikyo.

"Aku, you should not someone old. It is not good." Utahime scolded Akito.

Seikyo did not say anything since he came here. He was fully speechless to see Akito. Akito was just mini Satoru. Hearing Akito's words, Seikyo regained consciousness.

"Don't worry. I don't mind anything." said Seikyo, "What is your name ?"

"My name is Akito Iori." said Akito, "Who are you ?"

"I am Seikyo Gojo. I am your mom's friend." said Seikyo.

Utahime said, "You two talk. I am going to help Shoko."

"Ok..." said Seikyo and Akito.

Utahime left the room

Akito said, "Hey, why are your eyes fully look like me ? And I can also feel similar curse energy form you. What is your relationship with me ?"

"You really a smart boy." said Seikyo, "Do you really want to know, who I am to you ?"

''Yeah, I want." Said Akito.

"I am your......."

Meanwhile with Utahime and Shoko....

Coffee was finished by Shoko.

"What are they doing ?" said Shoko.

"They are talking. They get along so well." Said Utahime while pouring the coffee in the cups.

Utahime and Shoko went to the living room with the coffee cups. On entering the room, they saw Akito pleading with Seikyo to play with him.

"Let's go to the garden and play badminton." Said Akito.

"Ok I will play with you. But first we need to take our coffee. After that we will play." said Seikyo.

"Ok..." said Akito.

"Here is your coffee." said Utahime while giving the coffee cup to Seikyo.

"Thanks." said Seikyo.

As soon as Seikyo finished his coffee, Akito almost dragged him to the garden to play badminton with him.

Shoko and Utahime also finished their coffee and went to watch their game.

Watching them play, Utahime thought, "If Satoru were alive today, he might be playing with Akito like that."

Utahime was really happy to see Akito playing so happily.

After playing for a while Seikyo said, "I have to go now. It's really nice to be here."

"Come again." said Utahime.

"'Yeah, I will. I really laughed after a long time." said Seikyo, "Utahime, now I can understand why you name him Akito. Like Satoru he is the dawn of your like, right ?"

''Yeah, you are right." said Utahime with a smile.

[ 'Akito' means 'Dawn' ]

"And you know what I can see Satoru into him." said Utahime, "I can still feel Satoru in my heart. It's true that Satoru is dead but my love for him will never die."

"He also still love you so much. His love for you will never die also." Seikyo murmured.

"Do you say something ?" Utahime asked.

"No, nothing." Seikyo said, "Then bye... see you soon."

"See you soon." said Utahime.

"Take care of yourself old man." said Akito.

"Yeah, I will. You also take care of yourself." said Seikyo.

Seikyo got into his car and left.

At night....

Shoko and Utahime are taking in Utahime's room. Akito was sleeping.

Utahime asked Shoko, "How do feel about Seikyo ?"

Shoko replied, "At first I thought that he may be a fraud. But now I think that I am wrong. He is a good person."

"Hmm... I also think that he is a good person." said Utahime.

Utahime remained silent for a while and said, "Shoko, I don't know why, when I talk to Seikyo or am near Seikyo I can feel Satoru in Seikyo."

"But Utahime don't you think that their personality are so much different." said Shoko.

"Yeah I know. But still.." said Utahime.

"Seikyo looks a lot like Satoru. That's why you feel like that." said Shoko, "Take a good rest. Many things have happened since you came. You need rest. Good night."

"Good night..." said Utahime.

Shoko left Utahime's room. Utahime turned off the light and lay down.

Lying down, Utahime thought, "Am I really thinking this just because of the facial resemblance? Or is there something else? Ohh, what am I thinking. There is nothing. Shoko's words are right. I need rest."

After a while, Utahime fell asleep.


Why did Utahime feel Satoru in Seikyo ? Is it just Utahime's thought ? Or is there any other reason ?

For knowing that please continue to read this story.

Thankyou to everyone who read my story, who voted my story and who commented on my story ❤️.

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