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I was pissed off and when I get passed off I go out and get drunk and high, I was at the bar on my own giving cheek to the person behind the bar. They know me so I get a few free drinks and they just keep flowing and then I started on the shots, I was drinking shots of rum, vodka and tequila whatever I could get my hands on and I was drinking beer and rum mixed with coke.

I had a few joints in this time and mixing a joint with alcohol is a mistake for me I did it when I was younger and my body could handle it but my body was struggling at the moment. I had started on some random guys sitting next to me and I ended up with a black eyes, busted lip, broken nose and fractured jaw. The other guy had run off and I had passed out.

I had my phone but I hadn't paid my bill so I couldn't text or ring anyone, they got Luke's number because I was talking to them about him and how great of a kid he was. He gives them the address and they bring me him and he comes out and helps them bring me into the house.

They explain to him what happened and leave "Lukey, I love you." I slur opening my eyes slightly

"I love you too dad, I'm going to get you upstairs and into bed." I hear him say as he stands me up putting my arm over his shoulder

"Lukey, I wanna cuddle!" I whine and almost fall a few times

"Let me get you into bed first, I have some stuff to do." He says as we finally make it up the stairs

"Fine!" I whine acting like I'm a little kid and stumble into the bedroom

I fall on the bed and pass out straight away, Luke takes my shoes off and straightens me up and pulls the blankets over me before walking out. I wake up the next morning with a massive hangover I groan as my head spins and I run to the bathroom and get to the toilet just in time as I chuck my guts up.

I was there for at least half an hour and I flush the toilet and lean back against the wall and wipe my mouth. I get up taking a few stumbling steps before I make my way down to the kitchen holding my head as I go find some painkillers.

"Never again!" I mumble and lean on the bench drinking my water when Luke comes out

"How's the head?!" He asks sarcastically

"You know how my head is." I mumble

I kiss his cheek and walk off and go collapse on the couch and curl up and fall asleep to try and sleep this hangover off. I go to sleep straight away, I don't hear Sammy turn the TV on, I don't hear the bar owner knock to come and check on me. I must have slept all day because I wake up to the smell of bacon. I open my eyes and squint to look at the clock, midday is that all.

I get up and go to the kitchen and sit on the bench "I'm sorry I run off yesterday." I mumble

"It's okay, you were upset." He say looking over to me

"That doesn't mean I should run off. I should have stayed and talked to you." I say stealing a piece of bacon from the plate

"Stop blaming yourself, it's in the past." He says standing between my legs and hugs me

I sigh a bit unsure about the whole situation and I hug back, we stay like this for 10 minutes or so and Sammy runs in hugging Luke's legs. "I love you boys, your my world and mean everything to me." I say kissing Luke's forehead and messing Sammy's hair up

"We love you too." He says smiling

"Let's go to the movies and spend some times as a family?!" I suggest

Sammy squeals and runs off to go get dressed "that sounds good dad." Luke says kissing my cheek and goes upstairs to get changed

I look down at what I'm wearing and smell my shirt which smells of smoke and alcohol I go upstairs and into the bathroom and have a quick shower and find something clean to put on. I come down and into the lounge room and see Sammy all excited and bouncing around while Luke watches and giggles trying to calm him down.

I giggle as I walk up behind Luke "are you ready to go?" I ask and watch Sammy run around

"Yeah, he's one excited little boy." He says as Sammy come over and pulls him up

I giggle as we walk out to the car I put Sammy into his seat and Luke gets in the front and I start driving.

"Wanna do some shopping after too?!" I ask looking in the mirror at Sammy and smiles and nods while squealing

We get to the shopping centre and look at what movies were in and we pick a kids one, I go up and get our tickets and then we go to the snack bar and then we go in find a seat and sit down. I was on the end, Luke was next to me and Sammy was next to Luke.

Sammy just talked nonstop until the movie started then he went silent, I feel Luke grab my hand and entwine our fingers and I run my thumb over the back of his hand as he leans over and whispers something in my ear.

Falling for my step dad // CakeWhere stories live. Discover now