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I had to clear my head and try to get all of this through my head was more difficult than I thought it was just getting to much for me. I had been driving all night, I had no idea where I was it was the middle of the bush. I had no phone reception nothing it was peaceful but it wasn't helping me, I don't know if I should be with him or not I have considered ending it all for good, I have considered going to the house and just pretending nothing is wrong I just don't know.

I start heading back into the city but I get as far as an old park I spent most of my time at as a kid when I was having troubles at home, I get out of the car and look around I walk to the old playground running my hand along as I walk past. I go over to my old little hideout spot seeing it was the same as I left it all of those years ago, I go sit down again towards the back out of sight of anyone who could be around here and I turn my phone back on.

I see all the calls and messages from Luke and I sigh I start listening to the voice messages and towards the end of them I couldn't listen to anymore and I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Maybe he does really care about me as a father." I mumble under my breath and read the text messages from him and with the way they are worded I could tell he was worried

I have to go back so he knows I'm okay, I just don't know if I can face him. I send a quick text to him just so he knows I'm okay and I turn my phone back off and I just continue to sit there staring out into nothing. I eventually find myself sitting in the pub playing with the rim of my cup as I talk to the bar men about my problems not exactly about the whole my step son wants to be with me sort of thing but about everything else. I could tell by the look on his face he didn't really care so I finish off that beer and order another one and 3 shots to go with it.

I was there from before lunch time and he was selling me beer and I was watching people come and go, people were staring at me because I looked like a wreak. There was this one guy who was there for a few hours it was now about 4pm and he finally came over and started talking to me and because I have had so much to drink my words were slurred more than anything and I knew I wouldn't be able to stand. He was a good looking guy to black hair which fell over his left eye and it was styled perfectly, he had nice hazel eyes and a few facial piercing and both his arms were covered in Tatts.

"Hi, I'm Brett." He says holding his hand out

"Hi, I'm Calum but you can call me Cal." I slur and shake his hand

"Nice to meet to you Cal." He says and sits down and we sit there having a good chat until he leans in and kisses me

I was a bit weary at first and didn't know if I should but then I was like fuck it and I kissed back, we got into a make out session sitting at the bar until the bar man tells us we need to leave. I had sobered up a little by this time and I tell him I have 2 kids at home waiting for me and as I expected he made a run for it. I just shake my head and go to the car.

I check my phone again and there was no reply from Luke and I get a little worried thinking something has happened to him, I text him again and tell him how sorry I am for leaving and that I am coming home. I put my phone in the console slot and start driving my eyes were all funny from lack of sleep and to much alcohol, I managed to get home writhing half an hour maybe a little longer and I pass out in the car.

When I wake up the next morning I was in my room, I look around not remembering how the fuck I got in here and I try to sit up but my head just spins and I lay back down and rub my face. I can hear talking downstairs it was a few voices I knew it was Luke and Michael but there was one voice I couldn't pick as I laid there trying to listen but it was all muffled and I could hardly understand them.

Falling for my step dad // CakeWhere stories live. Discover now