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I heard him come in and I sigh and roll on my back and pick up the letter, I lay there and read it and I start to cry seeing how much I have hurt him. I lay there for a while reading over and over agin and the more times I read it the more tears that fall.

I finally get the courage to go down and just see him even if we don't speak that's fine with me I just need to know he's safe. I take a deep breath and walk down slowly seeing him smiling which is a good sign I guess and I go and sit on the other end of the couch. I look over at the same time he looks over and I smile.

"Luke, I want to help you and be there for you." I say biting my lip

"You would do that for me?!" He asks sounding a little shocked

"Of course I would, I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe and to help you. The voices in your head I want to help you with them and stop them." I say

"How though?!" He asks and I start thinking

"Well, we can start off with your writing bad thoughts down in a notebook. Whenever you feel as if you need to cut or just end it all come see me take it out on me or draw on your arm, lines whatever feel is necessary to draw. If you start off like that we can progress our way in to talking about your feelings. Start off slow and take baby steps." I say and he nods moving over and hugging me

"Thanks dad, it means a lot." He mumbles and sits on my lap and we cuddle

I wrap my arms around him and keep him close as he falls asleep, I keep an eye on Sammy as he starts to slow down and he comes over and kisses both our cheeks before going to his room with the dog following him.

I just stare at the wall all these different thoughts going through my head, I hear sirens and the tress moving outside and I giggle to myself when Luke starts snoring loudly. I squint as the sun shines through the window right into my eyes and I look at the time.

"Fuck I was awake all night." I mumble and Luke jumps hearing my voice

"It's okay, I've got you." I whisper kissing his cheek and he goes back to sleep

He looks so adorable curled up holding the blanket right up near his neck, I really gotta pee though so I'm going to have to disturb him. I pick him up and out him on the couch "I'll be back in a minute." I say as he holds onto my shirt

"But I wanna cuddle." He mumbles sleepily

"I gotta pee, I'll be back in a minute. I promise." I say as he lets go and I run to the bathroom

While I wash my hands I look in the mirror "wow I look wrecked!" I mumble and walk out as I rub my eyes

I go back to the couch and pick Luke up as I lay down putting his back against the back of the couch and wrap my arms around him and I start to fall asleep. A few hours later I was woken to Sammy pulling on my lip ring I open my eyes a little and smile as he kisses me cheek.

"There a man at the door asking for you." He says pointing to the door

I look over and screw my nose up seeing it was my dad, I don't know where Luke had gone but he wasn't with me anymore and I get up and walk over.

"Hey dad, what's up?" I ask yawning

"I'm looking for Mali and Caleb are they here?" He asks

"Not that I know of, unless there out the back with Luke." I say leaning on the door to support myself

"There in the kitchen." Sammy yells out

"Looks like they are here." I mumble as he pushes his way through and drags them out with a angry look on his face and Luke comes out behind them

"What the fuck dad?!" I say clearly angry and put my arm over Luke's shoulders

"There both grounded and weren't meant to leave the house until tomorrow. Looks like it's another 3 months." He says and pushes them in the car

"I remember when you did that to me when I used to run away." I yell out sarcastically as he glares at me and drives off "fucking dickhead!" I mumble and shut the door

Luke kisses my cheek and runs upstairs looking happier than what he has been, I just shrug it off and go to the kitchen and make a coffee and sit at the table and open up up my laptop as I yawn.


Sorry it's short I'm still trying to think of the next plot twist I want to put into it :)

Falling for my step dad // CakeWhere stories live. Discover now