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I should have never of trusted Ashton, I knew he was trouble when I first met him but he somehow convinced me to be his friend. Now I'm left with her kid and her exes kid who want her kid to be his dad, wow that is fucking confusing.

I have to be here for him but my feelings and some of the things that have gone through my head about that boy, I just don't know. I guess I have to push my feelings aside and continue being like a dad to him.

I hear him talking to his best friend Michael, I'm glad he had someone to talk to it's good for him to have someone to lean on. I finally emerge myself from the bedroom just to get a glass of water and so I can kind of hear what they are talking about.

I walk down and they see me and I can see the look in their eyes "hi Michael." I say with a small smile

"Hey Cal, how are you?" He asks

"Yeah, good as I can be with the situation I guess." I mumble and walk into the kitchen before I start crying in front of him

I hear the silence in the room "anything either of you guys need, I'm here even if it's just a shoulder to cry on I'm here." I hear him say

"Thanks mate, I appreciate it. I guess we're still trying to get our head around it." I hear Luke says his voice cracking

I stay in the kitchen trying to keep it together as it goes silent only the faint noise of the TV. I don't think it has hit Luke yet that she's not coming back ever, but I guess he has Sammy to think about and people cope in their own way. My way we'll look at me I'm a mess.

I get snapped out of my thoughts when they come into the kitchen and Michael just randomly comes and hugs me. "Anything you need anything at all. I'm happy to help." He says and I hug back

"Thank you Michael, I appreciate it we both do." I say nodding and he nods

"Call me, text me, anything anytime. I've gotta go you remember that." He says and we both nod and he walks out

I look at Luke and Sammy as he has his legs wrapped around Luke's waist and his face hidden and Luke's eyes were a really dark blue north their normal light blue.

I go over and hug them both "let it all out, it's okay to cry. Nobody is going to judge you and you can't keep your emotions bottled up." I whisper kissing the top of his head as he just bursts into tears

We stand there for a good 10 minutes me holding him close as he cried into my chest and I try to hold my tears back and Sammy crystal with him.

I lift his head up looking into his eyes "go have a hot bath or shower, relax for a little and get yourself cleaned up. I'll order some pizzas and we can all spend the night on the couch together watching movies just the 3 of us." I say

"O-okay thanks dad." He cries and I kiss his forehead and he walks off with Sammy and I hear the bath run

I order the pizza and go upstairs to get changed I stop outside the bathroom and listen through the door as he talks to Sammy.

"I don't know what to do little dude?! I just don't know, I guess hiding my feelings is the only thing I can do right now maybe it's just a stupid crush, maybe it's more. I'm 15 and don't know what love is, plus he's 7 years older than me why would he ever like me like that I mean come on he's my step dad, but he is like a real dad to me." He says and I cover my mouth and run off to my room shutting the door quickly as I lean on the back

This makes things that little bit more worse, it really does. I collect myself as I get changed and go answer the door when they knock and pay for the pizza and sit on the couch and wait as they come down.

Falling for my step dad // CakeWhere stories live. Discover now