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I rub his back and try to calm him down "I've got you, your safe, I'm not going anywhere." I whisper

"I'm sorry I'm such a scr-"

"Your not a screw up, you have nothing to be sorry about. Your a good kid."

He looks up into my eyes with his big sad blue ones and I wipe some tears off his cheeks "I'm not a good kid, I was horrible to mum you know I was. I never even got to say goodbye I miss her dad."

"I know you do Luke, would you like to go and visit her so you have some closure."

"That wou- I can't do it, I don't want to she left us. I'm going to go have a shower then I might get some sleep."

"Okay, I'll be around here if you need anything."

I kiss his cheek and he nods going upstairs, I run my hand through my hair and sigh as I get up and go sit at the table and open my laptop. I start looking online for a new guitar for Luke since his is really old and almost falling apart, I find the perfect one and I ring the number on the website.

"Hi, I was just wondering about a guitar on your website?"

"Yep, which one were you after?"

"The pale green electric guitar on your website?"

"Oh your in luck, I have one right here."

"Awesome, are you able to deliver it or do I need to come and get it?"

"We can deliver it is a fee of $40."

"Yes that's fine, can I pay with check?"

"Yeah that's cool man."

I give him the address and hang up as I smile to myself, I write a check and Sammy comes out and sits on my lap kissing my cheek. I smile and put my arms around him getting out of the websites.

"What's up little dude?"

"Where's daddy?"

"Upstairs trying to get some sleep."

"I'm hungry." He pouts

"In the fridge down the bottom there is some chocolate."

He squeals kissing my cheeks and I smile watching him run to the fridge getting it out and then he goes to the lounge and watches TV, I sit on the computer while I wait. It would have been half an hour to an hour later and there was a knock at the door. I get up off the couch laying Sammy back down since he was asleep on my lap and I walk over to the door and open it.

"Hi, are you Mr. Hood?"

"Yes that's me, you must be James?"

"Yes that's me." He smile "pale green electric guitar and this is for you." He hands me a note

I open it and it's from Rocky "hi Calum, thank you for being such a loyal customer to us over all of these years I always appreciate when we get your business. James has a amp for you, he has orders for you to take it and if you don't he will have something to say about it and he can be really fisty when he wants to. Have fun and send me some clips of what you and your son play I would like to hear it."

I giggle quietly to myself "you have been ordered to give me that amp I see."

"Yeah, dad can be scary when he wants to and so can I, do you mind helping me bring it in?!"

"Sure can mate." I look over my shoulder at Sammy and he was still sound asleep

"Who's the little boy?"

"That's Luke's real dads son, but didn't want him so Luke adopted him and now he is his dad." I explain and confuse myself and I could see James was confused "confusing I know."

"Yeah, but I understand it now that I though about it for a minute."

I nod and help him get it off and we carry it into the spare bedroom which had my bass and really old amp in it I bought from Rocky a few years back. I go out and get the guitar and we stand and chat for 10 minutes or so before he had to go "don't get him angry, he can get scary." I chuckle

"We will have to catch up some time soon."

"Yeah, ill come to your dads shop soon."

He nods and drives off and I go back inside and put the guitar in the spare room and I go stick my head in on Luke seeing he was sound asleep and I go downstairs and sit with Sammy letting him sleep for a bit longer as I just sit there thinking.


Hey guys

Sorry for the slow updates I'm working on several other books also you should go check them out

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