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Our clothes were being thrown all over the room, I pull his boxers off as he does the same with mine, I squeeze his thighs not breaking the contact I have on his neck leaving hickeys all over. He jumps wrapping his legs around my waist and I hold him up against the wall. Just as I line up at his entrance getting ready to thrust into him, Sammy starts screaming we both groan trying to ignore it and I slowly push into him.

I all of a sudden wake up and look around the room breathing heavily and then see Sammy as he pulls on my lip and I smile a little. "Hi little man." I say looking into his blue eyes

"Hi gampa." He says kissing me on the cheek as he smiles

Grandpa woah he's not even blood related to me and he's not even Luke's child I guess I am like a dad to Luke and he's like a dad to Sammy.

"Where's your dad?" I ask poking his little dimple on his cheek as I sit up with him on my lap

"Ober there." He says pointing to the kitchen and I look over the couch seeing Luke concentrating on something

"Here's your Juice and your teddy." I say handing them to him and put cartoons on for him as I stand up putting the blanket over him and he smiles his eyes glued to the TV

I walk into the kitchen and go make a coffee seeing Luke had his headphone in, I look and see that he was editing some photos of Sammy and I that he took. I smile and walk over touching his shoulder and sit down on the chair near him.

"Hey dad." He mumbles taking his headphones out

"Hey Luke, what's this?" I ask picking up a file

"Divorce papers and papers saying you will be my legal guardian. They need to be singed and given back today." He says looking up at me

"Was your mum here?!" I ask with wide eyes looking at him

He shakes his head "a police officer and lawyer, I would have work you up but I know you don't wake up when your in a deep sleep." He mumbles looking back at the computer

"You could have tried, I don't want you dealing with the cops on your own you are only a minor." I say and open the file and look through all the paperwork in the file

"I'm sorry, I will next time." He mumbled doing his editing

I sip my coffee reading the papers, I pick up a pen and sign them all putting them back in the file. "Can you come with me? I would like to take you and Sammy out after just the 3 of us and spend some time together." I say twisting my wedding ring around

"Yeah, of course I will. It will be good to spend some time together. There just one thing though dad." He says and I look up meeting his eyes

"What is it?!" I ask worriedly

He reaches over taking my left hand "take the ring off, your a single man now and this has to many memories attached to it." He says taking it off and putting it on the table between us

"I just feel empty without it." I mumble and stare at it

"Dad, don't give her another thought. She's gone for good I know that sounds bad but it's true. Please live in the now, it you, Sammy and I were a family and always will be." He says holding my hand and I just nod

When he lets go I just sit there and look into the lounge room looking at Sammy as I smile.

'He has no idea about what's going on, how I wish I could be that young again without a worry in the world.'

I watch as Luke walks over to him with his breakfast and tell him to eat it because we're going out soon and then he goes up to his room and I'm left sitting there with just my thoughts.

The dream is still clear and going through my mind, I try to push them to the back of my mind as I go sit on the couch and watch the cartons with Sammy and just listening to him giggle and watching his facial expressions is priceless.

I hear sirens coming down the street and they all of a sudden stop and it seems like they are at the front of our house. I raise an eyebrow and look through the the window seeing 6 or 7 police cars all lined up on the front lawn and on the road.

"Dad, why are the cops here?!" Luke calls out as he comes back downstairs

"I don't know, just stay with Sammy. Don't let him out of your sight okay?!" I say looking at him as he comes over to the couch

"Okay dad." He says pulling him onto his lap and keeps watching the TV when they start bashing on the door and I get up to answer it

"Hi, how can I help?" I ask as they surround the front of the house

"Calum Hood, we have a warrant to search your house and a warrant for your arrest." He says holding two pieces of paper up

"I've done nothing wrong." I say looking at the papers

"We have information and evidence that you have drugs on the premises, if you do not cooperate things will be worse for you and those kids." He says pointing to Luke and Sammy and I can see the worried look in Luke's eyes

"Sorry, go for it. I have nothing to hide, just let me sit with the kids and we will stay out of your way." I say looking back to them

They nod and all come in and I go over to Luke so I can reassure him everything is going to be okay.

Falling for my step dad // CakeWhere stories live. Discover now