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I pull into a empty parking space and turn the car off, Sammy was still talking like crazy and Michael looked half asleep listening get to him. Dads burn looked worse now then what it did like it was infected.

We get out and Sammy gets on my back and we walk in to the emergency room, I go over to the receptionist while dad sits down with Michael.

"Hi, uh my dad has a really bad burn right up his arm. It looks like it's getting infected."

She was really rude and types on the computer "take a seat."

I roll my eyes "rude fuckin bitch!" I mumble under my breath and sit down next to dad with Sammy on my lap

"What did she say?"

"Take a seat."

He just nods and it goes quiet between the 3 of us as Sammy goes all motor mouth on is again, I look out the corner of my eye and see dad was in pain just by the look on his face. I look and get a nurses attention by touching her arm as she walks past.

"Can we get some help?! He's in pain and it's looking really I don't even know."

She nods taking a look "come through with me and only one other is allowed in, just because the cubicles are quite small."

I look at Michael and he sighs "get him something to eat, here." I hand him some money

Sammy goes over to him and they walk off and I go with dad, they get him a bed and lay him down and a doctor comes in. I yawn and sit on the opposite side to his burnt arm, I reach up and hold his hand as they look at his arm.

"It's not good is it?!" I could tell by the look on their faces

"No, it's actually getting infected."

I nod and dad seemed very quite, they do some tests hooking him up to a drip, I look at dads face and I could see the pain.

"Are you okay dad?!" He could hear the worry in my voice

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me."

"Dad, if your in pain tell them. I can see it in your face."

"Okay, I'm in slight pain."

I rub my thumb over the back of his hand "we have to take him through to the burns unit, this is worse than we thought."

I sigh and nod "can I go with him?"

"I'm sorry sir, we can't risk anymore infections in his arm or any of our other patients."

My heart shatters I wanted to stay by his side "Luke, I'll be okay. I'm sure it won't be long, go be with Sammy and Michael. I love you."

"Dad, I want to stay with you."

"I will be fine, I love you. Go wait with them and I'll get someone to come and find you."

He wipes a tear off my cheek and I lean down to kiss his cheek "I love you too."

They wheel him off and I walk out and go into the bathroom tears streaming down my cheeks, I had the urge to cut badly but I resisted it. I calm myself down a little bit and go into the cafe and kiss the top of Sammy's head and sit next to him.

"He's in the burns unit, it's worse than we thought." I choke out to Michael

He gets up and hugs me "it's going to be okay, he's going to be okay I promise."

"I know, I wanted to go with him. I didn't want to leave him like that."

"I know Luke, I know."

He sits back down and Sammy climbs over and hugs me "wanna share my chips?!"

He sounded so happy and he didn't know what was going on as he kisses my cheek "you eat them baby."

He turns around facing the table and I put my arms around his waist and Michael comes back with a coffee for us each. We sit there for what feels like hours, Sammy had eaten chips and was now eating chocolate cake.

I look up when Michael stands "where are you going?"

"Talk to that nurse to see if she can tell me what's going on."

I nod and put my chin on Sammy's shoulder and steal some of his cake, I kiss his cheek and then wipe his mouth with the napkin when he was done. Michael comes back and I look and dad was with him, I smile when he hugs me.

"How you feeling?"


I giggle and give him some money for food, he goes over and then comes back and sits down starting to eat.

"No Sammy, you have had more than enough to eat."

He pouts but dad sneaks him some food anyways and I shake my head at him and giggle, once he was finished eating we get his antibiotics and go home. I was surprisingly good at driving I've had a few lessons but I was always really nervous about them and stuffed up but since I was relaxed.

I pull into the drive way and stop the car and we all get out and I open the door, one the way home I dropped Michael at his. I get dad a glass of water and his medication which said would make him drowsy and get him into bed.

I thought Sammy was still asleep since he was in the car but when I went to check on him, he was crying and holding his stomach. I go over and change him into his pjs and lay down next to him.

He had hold of his teddy and I rubbed his stomach "you ate to much little man." I mumble kissing his forehead

He whines and I wipe his cheeks, after about an hour he was asleep I stayed there a little longer making sure he was fully asleep before I got up. I yawn turning all the lights off downstairs and go up in my room and get changed into my sweats and I take my shirt off.

Just as I close my eyes I hear dad get up, I listen and I hear footsteps coming towards my room and then I feel him lay behind me. I roll over and put my head on his chest as he wraps his arm around me kissing my forehead.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too Luke."

I smile listening  I his heartbeat and we both fall asleep.



Sorry I have not updated in what feels like forever

Thank you so much for the 1.4k reads it means so much, I never thought I would get anywhere near this many

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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