Truth or Dare😏

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-sussy things

-sanegiyuu (just a lil bit)

-muitan (obv)

-very cringe

(Muichiro's POV)

The kiss was tasty but I wanted more, like breaking the bed, you know... 😏

 I'm weird. I don't even know if Tanjiro likes me back and i'm alredy doing this...I hope he does. I wonder if we can still be friends even if he doesn't..

(Tanjiro's POV)

Do I like him? Do I like him? Do I...

"Tanjiro? TANJIRO!" Tokito-kun called me.

"Oh sorry I zoned out.." I said, blushing.

"i saw that. anyways..I like you. Would you be my boyfriend?" he asked, resting his head on my shoulder.

My brain suddently stopped. 

Do I like him?..Yes, as friends. But sometimes, I have a weird feeling when I'm around him..<i don't know...

"I..I'll think about it." I said.

"HEY GUYS"  shouted Kanroji-San, running toward us.

"Hi Kanroji-San!" I responded happily, breaking the hug.

I don't know why, but she has a scared aura?! Is it because .. Nah I'm not scary, am I?


I thought,  turning around to see Tokito-kun with a completly normal face. I don't know why, but I could sense jealousy and anger comming from him...

(He was doing a death stare at Mitsuri, Tanjiro didn't see it)

You know what, just gonna ignore this.

"Do you need something?"  asked Tokito-kun, with the same aura.

"Oh..oh! I almost forgot! said Kanroji-san. The hashiras are playing truth or dare at the butterfly mansion! Tanjiro can come too! 

"I haven't played this game in a while! It's my pleasure to play with you" I said.

"Mhm...sure..."said Tokito-kun. "who are you again?"

"Okay! I'm gonna get going now. Butterfly mansion in 40 minutes!" she said, running away.


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