Muitan being Muitan

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Feeling like shit, school starts monday but I'm too lazy to work for tests 💀💀

didn't write much and didn't read back bc tests monday fr 💀

Mui and Tan are dating in this au btw


(Nobody's POV)

After Tanjiro helped Muichiro retrieve his memory, he became friends with the mist hashira. What Tanjiro didn't know was that Muichiro started to have feelings for him.

At the moment, Muichiro was encouraging Tanjiro to sit on his lap.

"C'mon here, you're light anyways!" Muichiro said with a small smile.

Muichiro smiles and continue staring at Tanjiro as he sits and puts his hands arround the older guy's waist.

"E-eh?"  His face turns bright red, he got so flustered he could barely respond in the situation he was in.

Muichiro smiles at looks at Tanjiro's bright red face and pat his head.

"You're so cute when you get flustered, your face gets red like a tomato!" Muichiro chuckles.

Tanjiro continued to blush.

"S-Shut up!!"

He was incredibly embarrassed because of the situation he was in.

"This must be a dream!" he told himself.

Muichiro chuckles at Tanjiro's flustered face.

"Awe, C'mon, no need to be embarrassed!" Muichiro says. "Plus, you look so adorable!~"

"S-Stop calling me cute, I'm not!" Tanjiro replied, turning his head away to stop facing Muichiro.

(Muichiro being Muichiro doesn't want him to look away. gotta show tanjiro what mui in muichiro means- /j)

Tanjiro stays on Muichiro's lap for sometimes, he was embarrassed but somehow liked sitting here.


He wanted to say something but Tanjiro being Tanjiro stuck his brain bc of being flustered.

Muichiro turns his head back by lifting his chin gently, smiling.

"just admit that you're adorable~"

"S-Shush!" he buries his face in Muichiro's chest, embarrassed.


Dw I'm working on the requested thing soon

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