You were loud last night 😏

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This chapter is just cringe.

Warning: More Sanegiyuu than Muitan 🤧

Shorter than Yuichiro's lifespawn

(Muichiro's POV)

We did IT for 2 hours and Tanjiro fainted. I carried him to wash him, change him and after, I layed him down on the bed. There was only one bed. 

Not gonna bother to sleep on the floor, I wanna sleep with Tan. So, I layed down next to him, cuddling him. He was so warm and smelled nice.

In the morning, I woke up earlier han Tan. I got up and made some breakfast. 

Then, I heared that Tan woke up too, so I entered the room were he's at with his breakfast.

"Can you walk, babe?~" I asked, teasing him.

He blushed at the word 'babe' but he looked angry after trying to walk.

"No. you should have been more gentle" he complains. "Luckily I don't have any missions today"

"I'm going for a walk, I'll be back in about 15 minutes" I said. "Eat your breakfast while I'm gone."

"'Kay!" he said, still pissed.

"I want a goodbye kiss." I said.

He blushed but quickly gave me a quick peck on my lips.

I smiled and got out of the room.

I wanted to go somewhere where I can see a peaceful...wait. What I'm seeing rn isn't peaceful AT ALL. Two guys kissing. Guess who? Idk. One guys has white hair and no eyebrows (💀) and one is wearing a haori half red half green and yellow. He's half and half from now on. 

(Todoroki: Am I a joke to you?)

Then, a purple butterfly lady came to them. 

"Ara-ara~ You two were loud last night! Uzui coudn't stop complaining!"

Half and half guy blushed and the no eyebrows man (HELP💀) smirked. Why am I watching this.

"I'm surprised you could even walk, Tomioka~" she said, also smirking.

The half and- no emo man is more emo than before she came. wow wow.

"He actually can't walk", said no eyebrows. "He can just stand."

"Pfft- Tomioka-san, I never though this day will arrive!"

"Shut-up Kocho."

Purple butterfly then came to me. 

"Ara-Ara Tokito! You and Tanjiro were loud last night. Is he alright?"

"Yeah no."

I said before returning to my estate.

(Tanjiro's POV) 

I finished my breakfast, it was tasty. It's just that I'm boreddddddd!! 

"Hey Tan!" said Tokito with a smile.

"WOAH WOAH don't scare me like this, Tokito-kun! You appeared out of nowhere!" I said.

"Call me Mui or Muichiro. Don't question it." he said with a kinda scary face.

"Sure, Mui." 

Sorry, I ran out of motivation

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