Pocky game (requested)

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Warning: Muitan; Shinomitsu; Sanegiyuu; Uzuren (✨flashy friendship✨)

(Mitsuri's POV)

"I'm kinda bored..." Shinobu said, sitting next to me.


"Good idea. said Shinobu-Chan. But can you stop shouting, Mitsuri-chan?" 

"O-Oh sorry! I didn't mean to!" I replied.

"don't worry, i know. We can play the game at the butterfly mansion." she said, hugging me.

Shinobu-Chan's always so helpful! And also...so cute...Kyaaaaaaaa what am I thinking about?!

"Kyaaaaaaa! Thanks Shinobu-chan!"

(Mitsuri didn't see that Shinobu was blushing)

(No one's POV)

All the hashiras arrived at 7 pm (+tanjiro bc Mui forced him), even Giyuu, being forced by Shinobu.

"Hello there!" started Mitsuri. "We're going to play the pocky game!"

Some blushed and some seems confused.

"Ara ara~" said Shinobu. " Let me explain. Two people bite on the ends, and the first on to pull away loses."

"What kind of game is that?!" whispered Giyuu.

Mitsuri gave him a look.

"Very flashy game, I'm in!" said Tengen.

"HAHA! ME TOO! THIS IS UMAII!" shouted Rengoku, eating something.

"You guys are FORCED to play!" said Shinobu. "or I will maybe add poison in your drink."


"I wanna say the names first", said Muichiro.

"Okay, go on!"

"Butterfly and...." started Muichiro.

"MEEE PLEASE MEE" prayed Mitsuri in her minds.

"Emo boy." ended Muichiro

"..." Giyuu stayed silent.

Mitsuri and Sanemi gave Muichiro death stares.

Giyuu grabbed a pocky and they played the game, but...

"I will never kiss a mosquito

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"I will never kiss a mosquito." said Giyuu with his 'bruh' face.

"And I will never kiss a loner like you." said Shinobu with her golden fake smile.

"okay, next!" said Muichiro, interrupting the conversation. "flashy guy and orange guy "

"Now it's flashy!" said Uzui.

Rengoku grabbed a pocky and the two started biting it.

None pulled away so they ended up kissing.

"I rate a 9.999/10! it was flashy!" said Uzui. Still, My wives are better."

"Ahaha it was... UMAI!"

"Okay okay chill..." said Muichiro. "Mitsuri and Shinobu" (don't ask me how he got the names right😬)


Evryone looks at her.

"O-Oh..sorry..did I said that out loud..?-"

Shinobu rn: (/////)

Shinobu grabbed a pocky and the girls started biting it.

We don't know if Shinobu didn't have time to pull away or just wanted to be kissed. Anyway, all we knew was that both girls had drool on their lips, so they probably used their tongues.

 "Next.." started Muichiro

"Wait!" interrupt Mitsuri. "can I replace you the round just after this?

"sure" replied the mist hashira. "Now..Shinazugawa and Tomioka! I know, I'm so good at making ships."

evryone laughed (-INSANEmi and GAYuu)

They did what the others did and started biting. But when Giyuu pulled away, Sanemi grabbed his chin and kissed him.

Giyuu's eyes went wide open and was blushing like crazy.


"Nghh~" moaned out Giyuu when Sanemi went down, kissing his neck.

"NO WAY" Shouted Obanai.

"TOMIOKA-SAAAAAN!!" said Tanjiro.

"GET A ROOM!" shouted Shinobu.

"Sure~" said INSANEmi.

"That's flashy✨"said Uzui.

They got a room and...you know 😏👌

"Let's go play outside, there's too much unholy noises."

"good idea Shinobu-Chan!"

"WAIT...No Eyebrows! RELEASE MY DAD!!" shouted Tanjiro as Muichiro hugged him.

They got outside, but even outside, they could hear the noises.


"Let's just play."

"MY TURN!!" shouted Mitsuri.

"Aww maan.." sighed Muichiro.

"SOOOOOO..." started Mitsuri, " Tanjiro and Muichiro!"

When Tanjiro heared that, he blushed pretty hard ~

"Kyaaaaaa!" said you know who it is. "so cuteeeee!"

Muichiro grabbed a pocky and they strted biting it.

Tanjiro wanted to pull away, but Muichiro grabbed his chin and kissed him.

It was a tasty kiss because of the pocky.


"Let's ignore these noises."

Second place in #bottomtanjiro  wednesday 16/08/23

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