New school (1)

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modern AU (dead characters are alive; like Kanae, Yuichiro; Muichiro's and Tanjiro's parents...).

Muichiro doesn't have amnesia so he remembers.

They are the same age cause I want them to be in the same class-

but Tanjiro's still a lil' bit older.

they are in middle school ig (my classmates are all finding love in middle school so..yk.

(No one's POV)

Muichiro's family moved away from their city beacause of bullying. Not because Muichiro or Yuichiro was being bullying, but because they were bullying other students.

The school expelled them because of this.

(Muichiro's POV)

Today's the first day of school for me, I just moved from my city. My new city's very beautiful but I feel that we are going to be bored to death here.

"Muichiro! Yuichiro! Go to school! NOW! YOUR GONNA BE LATE!" yelled my mom.

"STOP YELLING B#TCH! " yelled back Yuichiro.

(Yuichiro don't-!!!)

It was a bad idea for him to do that. Imma go wait outside now.

"DON'T YELL WHEN I'M YELLING!" yelled mom.

Now it doesn't make any sense

I got out and checked the GPS; Yuichiro arrived after 5 minutes of waiting.

"BRO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR SHOOL STARTS IN UNDER 10 MINUTES!" yelled Yuichiro at me before starting to run.


"Ugh..I guess your right..." he said, slowing down.

5 minutes later.. (still Muichiro's POV)

We were in front of the school gate when the bell rang. All the students ran to class with an incredible speed.

"Aww man I would like to be in the same class as you, Yuichiro.." I said.

"I'm better without you." he replied, walking to his class.

Always this harsh. I know he doesn't mean it, but still.

I didn't notice a black haired man approaching me.

"WHY AREN'T YOU IN CLASS?" he yelled in my ear.

"I'm new." I replied.

"Oh." he said, taking out a small notebook. "I am the PE teacher, Tomioka Giyuu. I guess you are Yuichiro, right?"

Lol he really mistaken me for my brother.

"Muichiro Tokito. I'll get going now." I said, walking to my class.

When I arrived at the door, I saw a woman with two butterfly hairpins.

She turned her head to me and smiled.

"Today, we have a new student." She said, looking at me. "You may come in."

I went to the classroom. Some were whispering things I coudn't hear.

(Tanjiro's POV)

Mrs.Kanae said yesterday that we'll be welcoming a new student but she didn't say more about them. 

(He's saying "them" beaucause he doesn't know his gender)

When I saw the student comming in, my heart skipped a beat. They beautiful...

"Hello! I am Kanae Kocho but call me Mrs.Kanae beacause my sister Shinobu Kocho is working here aswell." said mrs.Kanae. "You may introduce yourself."

I have a weird feeling...I can't tell what it is...I arledy felt this before when I was in love with Kanao but I fell out of love... don't tell me..NO TANJIRO YOU JUST MET THEM!!

"Hello." said the new student. "My name is Muichiro Tokito. I'm a male." 

(Muichiro's POV)

Many started to whisper to each other. As I expected, many thought I was a girl.

I then saw a boy that was a little! He's cute...WHAT AM I THINKING ABOUT I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM!

"You might sit next to Kamado. Kamado. said Mrs.Kanae, interrupting my thoughts. "Kamado, please raise your hand."

I wasn't expecting for the cute boy that I saw earlier to raise his hand.

I thanked the teacher and sat next to him.

"Hey Tanjiro~your a cute boy, you know?~" I whispered to his ear.

He turned red and hid his face. his so cute...BRO WHY AM I DOING COUPLE THINGS WITH HIM?!

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