Gathering Arc: Chapter 5

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==The three bodyguards==

Raiden jumps back and Shurui analyses his enemy: "I can't find any anomalies, that confuses me."

He introduces himself: "My name is Goto also known as 'Rubber Man', that girl there is Aggemi also known as 'The Slippery Ocriba' and that last one there is Bluefuzz also known as 'Cyber Arms'! We'll defeat you and earn some money!"

Shurui comments: "Just say aka, man."

Raiden tries with a charged fist and it has no effect and Goto laughs at him: "You're no enemy to me! I can nullify your attacks!"

Raiden thinks: "Shit. How will I defeat this guy? Oh wait, i won't!"

He punches Goto more and more and slowly moves the fight around the bedroom.

Meanwhile with Erika: "You can't hit me you stupid girl!", Aggemi says, smugging at Erika and avoiding all the kicks and knife swings.

"She is sweating pretty heavily.", Erika thinks, "That stuff looks sticky and whenever she moves it flies to the ground but when I step on it, it's slippery. How can I do this?"

Then suddenly, Aggemi stops moving and gets hit by a knife. It slips off.

"Eh?", Erika is confused and Aggemi begins to laugh because she tricked Erika.

"You can't hit me now because I'm covered in my special sweat!"

Aggemi starts to punch the shit out of Erika and before she starts choking Erika with a snare made of her sweat, Raiden gets punched into their fight and uses the chance to shock Aggemi's slime.

Aggemi falls unconscious and Raiden yells: "GO, NOW'S THE CHANCE!"

Goto hasn't noticed Erika yet which she uses for her advantage. She throws some high tech handcuffs with her right hand which activate when they detect a target. She proceeds to grab Goto's leg with her left hand as he, kind of, flies over to Erika. Unable to fight, Goto gets forced to lie down on his back.

Erika asks: "Can I cut off your arms or is that lethal for a rubber person?"

Goto explains with a defeated look on his face: "You can, sadly."

Erika cuts of his arms without hesitation. Since he can only turn two bodyparts into rubber, he needed to turn the spots which would normally bleed into rubber and was now unable to fight anymore.

Goto complains: "Crap! Now I'm gonna go home without my pay!"

Erika hits his head and says: "Stop the whining already!"

While all that was happening, Atsume was fighting Bluefuzz.

"This guy seems vulnerable to my claws. I think I'll stay in this cat-girl form.", Atsume thinks and shouts out: "Hey Bluefuzz! I'm saying it right here! You will lose against me!"

He responds, confident of victory: "You don't even know my powers yet stupid cat lady. How can you possibly know if you're going to win?"

Atsume jumps in front of her enemy with a big swing of her claws but as soon as she hits, she actually hits a force field which Bluefuzz could generate with his modified arms. Atsume doesn't know what to do so she punches the force field a bit more. Bluefuzz jumps out of reach and leaves Atsume behind. She is confused about why he jumped away even though he could've just kept standing there and would have been fine. He jumps back in for a pretty surprising attack because Atsume was inattentive but she instantly adapts to Bluefuzz attacking again and starts to defend herself. In the raging battle, Atsume finally notices that there is a display on his right arm which he insisted on covering.

"Every time I hit the force field, this display turns a little more black. I guess this is some sort of indicator on how full his battery is. Oh wait! When this battery is empty, he shouldn't be able to generate more force fields. I'll just hope that that's true.", Atsume speculates.

She stops trying to avoid hitting the force field and starts scratching it with all her might. She notices that bar in the display becoming more black which proves her theory. Soon, she notices that she cannot fight for much longer since she comes close to her limits as well. Luckily there is no energy left after a few more seconds and she lands a devastating last hit which results in her win. Atsume walks over to Raiden and Erika and starts to ask why they are here.

Raiden explains: "My name's Raiden and I'm a Bounty Hunter. I want to collect the bounty on that Garuphu guy. This is Shurui-chan, the women-loving robot I built and she right here is Erika, a self-proclaimed mechanic."

"Hey! I'm not self-proclaimed! Everyone in my hometown knows I'm a mechanic!", Erika responds irately.

"Wow you're an absolute beauty! Mind if I take some pictures for further research?", Shurui asks.

"No one's ever going to say yes you pervy robot!", Erika claims but Atsume responds: "Women-loving indeed, I don't mind getting some attention."

As Shurui takes pictures of Atsume and Erika is disturbed by that new girl, they hear a loud sound from the bathroom, where Lord Garuphu was hiding in, and a loud scream.


Oh boy! Hope you liked the action! And what is Garuphu about to do? Things are coming to a close in the mansion.

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