Kaishi City Arc: Chapter 26

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Embara is shocked that Ketsuki stole one of his weapons.

"What's with that face? Sometimes people just push their limits.", Ketsuki says provocatively.

"This is bad! With only one axe I'm not only weaker but my move pool is greatly restricted too!", Embara thinks.

All of a sudden while the entire arena is on mute, Baramina gathers her courage and screams out of the top of her lungs: "EMBARAAAA!! GIVE IT ALL YOU HAVE! DON'T GIVE UP BEFORE YOU HAVEN'T USED UP ALL YOUR POWER!"

Everyone stares at her, even Ketsuki, while Embara instantly reacts to Baramina and attacks Ketsuki. He swings with more power than ever before and cuts about a centimeter deep into Ketsuki's biceps. Ketsuki flinches, giving Embara another chance to swing his axe but he uses Embara's other axe as a shield, stands up and kicks him away.

"URHGHGHGG! You can't hold back, can ya?! This fucking hurt! I'll have to end this quick, otherwise I won't be able to ignore my blood loss anymore! Meaning, I won't hold back either you sneaky small gremlin!", Ketsuki moans while writhing in pain.

He uses some threads to close the wound but to heal it he would need a lot more time which he doesn't have right now. Ketsuki starts to repeatedly swing his new found morning star into the ground, forcing Embara to evade every second. Ketsuki then changes to swinging the axe horizontally leaving Embara no room to breathe. He now starts to spin and Embara jumps up, giving him no other option as to counterattack out of the air. Just like Ketsuki, Embara suddenly has a flashback about his Sensei when he still was on his home planet.

"Embara! I told you to stop training your normal axe skills a thousand times already! You can only become even stronger if you train your Akumida like everyone does at your age! If you ever were to fully control your Gigantification and combine it with your axes you could even cut Tengoku-trees in one single swing. ... just remember that if you ever find yourself in the situation that you don't know how to get stronger, there's a simple way to overpower anyone."

Embara loudly mumbles something while holding his axe above his head: "Axe Gigantification: Singular axe scale up!"

His axe grows to a huge extent and Embara swings it right through the connection between Ketsuki and his other axe. Ketsuki trembles in the exact position he has been in while the connection was cut, looking very surprised and apprehensive. He starts to rapidly bleed but does nothing about that and jumps up, turns a little in the air, shouts "Meteor Kick!" and kicks Embara right into the face with more than full power.

He lands, thinking: "This guy's insane! He almost gets me after I've almost won!", chokes the connection to stop the bleeding and then proceeds to slowly integrate the cut threads back into his body.

Embara breaks through the tough boundary which has never been shattered and spits blood.

"How can you have such stupid power? This really isn't something to toy with. You've even broken the boundary.", Embara slowly says while standing up again.

Ketsuki claims: "This fight ends in a few seconds. Both of us have about no stamina left and one of us will faint first. I guess that's going to be you."

Embara replies while slowly limping towards Ketsuki: "You're so damn right. But next time I'm going to win, I swear!"

He faints while walking and lands in the dust.


"You fought two fights with an advantage and yet you lost. You truly can be much stronger than you are right now but only if you believe in yourself and train this Gigantification.", Ketsuki says to the already unconscious Embara.

His thoughts continue: "Man, this blood loss really is dangerous now. I should go see the doctor of this tournament. I'm trembling just trying to stand here."

"Noooooo! Embara!", Baramina shouts.

"You gotta admit, Ketsuki is super strong.", Erika says.

"Yup, he's a beast when it comes to fighting.", Raiden comments, gnashing his teeth in frustration and admiration.

Baramina responds: "At least we can all cheer on the same stupidly strong dumbass!"

"You're totally right! He's a stupidly strong, hot, dumbass.", Atsume says.

"Oh? You're back Atsume!", Erika happily announces.

Shurui storms in and angrily asks: "Where the hell were you when it was super hot in here?! I wanted to take pictures of your sweating thighs!"

"Ara ara? You want to see my thighs sweating? I'll make sure to show you some other day.", Atsume promises to Shurui, patting the metal.

"Enzou, are you finished? We're all waiting for you.", a female voice says at the phone.

Enzou answers: "Sorry that I call so late but this hallway hasn't been empty enough until now. I don't want to risk anyone coming into this room while talking about this. To answer your question, I still have one fight to do. It's the finals."

The voice replies: "Don't worry. You still have a few hours but don't forget: The Pawns will be impressed. They'll finally reckon us."

"Wait a minute, you all? Aren't you also waiting for Dawn to show up? She's always late! Don't say she's on time the one time I'm not.", Enzou asks.

"Oh right, we're still waiting for her too. Almost forgot her since she rarely shows up at all."

Enzou ends the call and then thinks, clenching his fists and smiling: "Come at me Ketsuki! I can't wait to fight such a promising guy!"


Ketsuki wins his fight and now has to face Enzou in the finale! Enzou, on the other side, seems to have some other business going on...

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