Six Spikes Desert Arc: Chapter 101

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==Born equal==

12000 years ago, in primitive ages, a young man, who looks like Raiden but without the lightning curl, walks out of a house located in Cenperi and gazes upon the barren land.

A woman shouts after him from inside the house: “Come back before sunset, Tairo! You never know what these shady Ashtarks will do.”

Tairo replies: “I’ll try my best!”

Tairo was a simple soldier of the 2nd division of the Cenperi Kingdom at 19 years old.

The king of that time announces: “I’ve heard rumors of one of the seven Wonder World Swords being located somewhere in the south of the Naarashi Desert. The entire 2nd division shall sally forth through the desert all the way there.”

The division leader steps in: “Your majesty! If we were to traverse these unclaimed lands into the south, there would be a high chance that not a single soldier of the division, including me, will make their way back!”

The king gives in: “Yeah, yeah. I’ve already heard that sandstorms plague that desert so that nobody can survive a long stay there.”

“We can use the Amaterasu!”, Tairo barges in.

The leader holds a scimitar to Tairo’s throat: “Don’t talk to the majesty without permi-!”

The king interrupts: “Let him speak!”

The leader apologizes to the king and Tairo explains: “There is a time window in which there are no sandstorms. Every year, for 7 days, the sandstorms stop for some reason. We could use that time frame to go explore. There is even a passageway through the mountain range in the south where we could start from.”

The king asks: “And when is that time window?”

Tairo replies: “In two months.”

Two months later, the entire division walks through the Naarashi Desert and the leader talks to Tairo: “Seriously, that you’ve grown up in this area is just a blessing. No matter what, I’ll try and make you an elitist when we’re back.”

Tairo replies: “That sounds great. Thank you very much.”

The leader continues: “The Ashtarks are a bigger threat now so the conditions of becoming an elitist have changed. I hope you’ll be able to deal with that.”

Tairo declares: “Don’t worry! I’ll do anything to fight the Ashtark scum.”

Later at the oasis, the people are shocked to find an oasis. They also find a rock with a cave entrance. The leader goes inside with Tairo and they find torches. At the end of the room, there is a pedestal with the legendary Sword of Giza in it.

The leader comments: “Well, it’s here. Now every soldier has to try pulling it out before we bring it home.”

Tairo says in disbelief: “This can’t be…”

The leader turns around and shouts shocked: “You already pulled it out?! You’re the chosen one? …Well, now you’re gonna become an elitist for sure!”

Tairo only replies: “Yeah…”

At night, Tairo dreams of what he saw. He stands in an unfamiliar house, next to a woman who just gave birth and her husband. They seem unfazed by him standing there and he is confused.

The man says: “What is this? Our baby only has 4 arms?”

The woman replies very exhausted: “I still love him… we’ll both do.”

Suddenly, time fasts forward and 20 years pass until it slows down again. Tairo is very shocked and confused and now stands in another unfamiliar home. Another woman just gave birth and her husband is next to her. This husband is the 4-armed person whose birth Tairo just witnessed.

The 4-armed man is shocked and his wife asks: “What’s wrong darling?”

The husband explains: “She has 4 arms… just like me.”

Time fast forwards again but now for hundreds of years.

Tairo quietly snaps out of his sleep and understands: “So the first Ashtark was born through mutation and his progeny also was an Ashtark. Throughout the past 800 years, the children of every Ashtark were more Ashtarks and if a Rokuloku and an Ashtark engaged together, they also only made Ashtarks. And that is why half of the world’s population are Ashtarks today…”

“5 years later, in the first war of the rivalry, Tairo found out that the Sword of Giza couldn’t hurt the Ashtarks nor could it hurt the Rokuloku. It was deemed a dull blade by him and he became a hero just because of his exceptional strength alone.”, King Crimson concludes his story.

He finally explains: “I’ll say it again. That’s why the Ashtarks are superior. Because the first was born into this world with the task of slowly getting rid of all the Rokuloku in the world.”

Horuteph slowly stands up again while saying: “If you saw all of that, …then why didn’t you bring back the peaceful time period when we were able to get along? The time period in which Ashtarks would spread all over the planet to make up half of the population without killing any of us Rokuloku.”

The king smiles maniacally and simply says: “Because Rokuloku make for some neat, free work forces.”

Horuteph gets angry: “I almost thought that you’re misunderstood… but I was always right… THAT YOU’RE JUST BATSHIT INSANE!!”

He rushes towards the king and slashes at him with aura-covered blades. Hiteki has to seriously defend this time and uses all of his 4 swords.

He mumbles: “You’re attacking like a wild animal. Screaming, every time you attack. So PATHETIC!!”

He swings his 4 swords in a way that shoots Horuteph away many meters, into a brick wall. Horuteph now kneels in front of the king again and can’t move.

Hiteki already stands in front of him and is ready to swing his sword: “This time, I’ll chop your head off. You’ve had your second chance, weakling!”

Lightnings rush over the ground and Horuteph gets dragged out of the slash.

Raiden looks at the slightly annoyed King Crimson with a smile: “Sorry this took so long but I was needed by Henima.", and turns to Hiteki, "Now, is the time to defeat you!”


The one truth that should unite this world is the one that tears it apart! Which interpretation is right? Which is wrong? Decide for yourself!

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