Gathering Arc: Chapter 2

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==Overpriced hyperdrive==

“Are we there yet?”, Raiden asks.

“No we’re not and stop asking that every five minutes!”, Erika answers.

“We’ll be arriving in about 20 minutes if we maintain this speed.”, “Couldn’t you have said this earlier Shurui-chan?”, Erika asks and Shurui answers, “Sorry, I’ve been studying the Sarseia market with satellite images so we don’t have to search for the stand where we can buy the hyper drive.”

“Wow you’re actually useful, unlike this guy”, Erika says as she points over to Raiden who answers, “I may not look like it but I’m actually very intelligent, in terms of fighting as well as in everything else! I love gathering information, that’s why I built Shurui-chan!”, “You built her? I’m speechless.”

“Can you guys stop talking for a minute? We’ve arrived.”, Shurui says as she interrupts them and Raiden answers: “There’s no way this has been 20 minutes.”

As they arrive in Sarseia they look around and get distracted by a fat snob as he loudly bosses around a female slave.

“Stop dawdling already Atsume! I want to have some fun!”, he screams and Atsume says to herself, “Why did I get involved in this?”

Our group doesn’t think much of it and they continue to walk to their destination. They arrive at the stand which sells the hyper drive.

“What do you want to buy?”, the seller asks, “We need a hyper drive for a space ship he’s buildi-”, “Let me, do that.”, Raiden says as he interrupts Erika.

“We need a hyper drive A-600, that thing fits perfectly in my ship.”, “That costs you around 6.3 million Credits.”, the seller answers.

“WHAT?! THAT’S WAY TO MUCH!”, Erika screams, “But we already have 5.3 million.”, Raiden says as Erika looks at him with confusion and relief.

She goes to the other side of the stand and looks around in confusion. As Raiden and the seller talk they hear a scream.

“AHHHHHHH!!”, Erika screams.

“What a lovely, high pitched scream Eri-chan. Can I get a little more of that? I wanna record that!”, Shurui says excitedly.

“Please help me Raiden! I’m stuck in this animal trap!”, “I can help you but only if you give me a few more of these money shots Eri-chan!”

“Just press that red button under the device Erika”, “No young lady, he’s wrong, that red button is on the side because it’s a different model.”, the seller says after correcting Raiden.

“Oh, it feels good to not hurt all the time, thanks!”, Erika says after freeing her hand.

“No problem, and you Raiden-kun, you seem to know much about technology”, the seller states.

“You’re absolutely right mister. I have a big brain filled to the brim with knowledge about all sorts of things!”

“Since you know at least a few things about engineering, I’ll give you a tip. With an A-600 you only save around 300 000 Credits if you buy the individual parts but you could buy the individual parts of an A-400 for 5.1 million.”

Raiden declines the offer: “Sorry, I built it so it only fits an A-600 and I don’t want to change that.”

“Do you understand anything anymore Shurui-chan?”, Erika asks quietly and Shurui answers, “I do, but there is no need for you to understand, just let him do that.”

“I’ll save it for when you come back with enough money, is that okay for you?”, the seller asks.

“We’ll get the money. Save it for like… 2 days. Can you do that for us?”, “Yes I’ll do that.”

Erika suddenly felt the need to add something before they leave: “You should know I’m an engineer myself. But I don’t build space ships. I like building fighting gear-”, “Come on, we’re leaving now, Erika”, “Stop interrupting me, you already did that twice now!”, “I’m sorry, but sometimes you should just shut up.”

They argue as they walk out of the stand and look for the bulletin board.

“The board has some interesting jobs to get money but only that one guy has enough bounty so we can buy that hyper drive.”, Shurui analyzes.

“Defeat Lord Garuphu and get 2 million Credits, he has great strength and many different elemental powers, only fight him if you’re very strong and do NOT overestimate yourself.”

“We’re strong”, Raiden says.

“It says do not overestimate yourself.”, Erika replies.

“I’m not overestimating myself, I know what I can do and it’s the only job that grants us the money we need.”, Raiden argues.

“You know, dumbass, we could just do several jobs and get the money like that.”, Erika says, leaving Raiden defeated.

Erika notices something in Raiden’s face and as she eyes up on him, she asks: “You have another reason for doing this job, don’t you?”, and Raiden answers, “You got me… I want to… I want to save those slaves from that Garuphu guy.”

“Oh, I didn’t really think you have such a big heart, seeing you only teasing me the time I’ve known you.”, Erika says, getting slower and more quiet and then she continues, “Ok then, let’s do this job.”

“I’m not sure why but this grows in importance to me the more I think about it. I can’t tolerate slavery!”, Raiden amends what he has said earlier.

They head to Garuphu’s mansion and the closer they get, the angrier Raiden’s face looks. Even Shurui doesn’t know how to talk to him anymore so she stayed silent for the whole way to the mansion.

In the front of the mansion, Raiden swears: “I’m going to kill this guy if he won’t promise me to stop enslaving people!”


Will our trio be able to stop Garuphu from enslaving people? Hope you stay around to find out!

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