Forest Haven Arc: Chapter 139

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==High voltage experiment==

Anthea replies: “Well, if you’re really this keen on fighting me even if it’d kill you, I’ll just flee out of your reach and continue on with my plan.”

Raiden shouts: “You can’t flee from me! By now, every teleport spell you could’ve prepared only brings you a few kilometers away!”

Anthea explains: “That’s why I won’t flee in a direction you would think of.”

She teleports herself and Raiden looks around 360 degrees but can’t find her.

Meanwhile, Victor just saved Erika from one of Fukami’s bullets.

“So, you guys split up, huh?”, he comments.

Erika asks: “Thanks for saving me but… aren’t you one of the other bounty hunters?”

Victor replies: “No need to worry. Your guys beat me and my companion over there pretty spectacularly. She was that explosion you might’ve heard earlier.”, he points at the unconscious Tekinu who’s lying at the bottom of a still standing wall, “I’m also smart enough to understand that, in order to leave this hellish planet, the best thing to do is for me to lend you my power.”

Shurui replies because Erika is now keeping Fukami indulged in close combat in the background: “That’s great! This guy we’re fighting right now is being controlled but thankfully we know how to save him!”

“And how would that happen?”, Victor asks.

Shurui explains: “There apparently is an aura which he was able to see when we freed the dragon from his mind control. If we hit the same spot over and over again, we can break the spell without hurting him too much.”

Victor asks: “So you guys can’t see that aura?”

Shurui replies surprised: “You can see it? We can’t because we’re still very new to Koa.”

Victor explains: “I can clearly see it which might be really lucky for you.”

Shurui mentions: “The thing is that it’s difficult to hit the same spot since he’s so much smaller than a dragon.”

Victor spins his revolver around his finger and says: “Let me handle this while you keep distracting him. I know a thing or two about hitting the same spot over and over.”

Raiden still looks around, asking himself: “A direction I wouldn’t think of… so like, downward?”

He looks at the floor and continues: “Nah, that’s impossible. At least if there’re no caves under the palace… oh god please don’t let that be true!”

He then looks up and notices something.

He squints his eyes and shouts: “That’s her! All the way up there in the clouds?!”

He takes some time and gets an idea with a big smile forming in his face: “Let’s just test what I can do with this much electricity!”

He closes his eyes and concentrates. Dark clouds begin to form above Anthea and his electron aura slowly fades away.

“Charged Dragon’s Domain.”, he says and opens his eyes again, looking up at the sky.

“I wonder if I can do something like this before my power boost fades away…”, he mumbles, reaching out towards the dark clouds with his hand.

A thin and gentle lightning hits the ground in front of him and stays in position. Raiden charges his feet and gets standing on the lightning, standing sideways.

He smiles out of excitement and says: “Oho~, ehe~, this works so good! Don’t worry Yafumi-chan! I might’ve had starting difficulties but this time I’ll actually save you!”

He starts running upwards on the lightning he pulled from the sky and laughs maniacally.

Fukami uses every opening Erika gives him to shoot a bullet and curves their trajectory. They all gather up in the sky, circling around, ready to be made use of. Fukami slides his knife across Erika’s hammer with so much force that she gets flung away and Victor uses their distance to shoot Fukami. He uses “Curve Eraser Impact!” to delete some of Victor’s bullets with his own.

Erika asks herself: “Why doesn’t he just erase me? Shouldn’t he be able to do that easily?

Then a bullet nearly misses her, deleting some of the ground she was standing on.

She gets caught off guard and runs away, thinking loudly: “I shouldn’t have given him ideas!

Again and again, bullets nearly hit and kill her, and Shurui thinks: “He’s not thinking everything through… I thought he’d be exactly that type of guy. Maybe his mind-controlled self is struggling to maintain the control? But if Fukami was resisting and that shows an effect, shouldn’t the king have been able to easily break out? Maybe the strength of Anthea’s spells gets amplified by the preparation time! Then he could actually be able fight back!”

She shouts: “Fukami’s fighting against the control as well! Don’t give up hope and keep on trying!”

Shurui rushes in front of Fukami, blinding him with the whitest and brightest light she can emit. Erika takes her chance and runs around Fukami, to his back.

Before Fukami notices, she shouts: “Blue Jet Hammer!”, and hits Fukami’s back with immense power.

She crouches down and Victor doesn’t miss his chance as well. He shoots three bullets directly into Fukami’s back and breaks the spell.

Fukami falls to his knees, and casually says: “Thank you.”

His clothes are ripped completely in some small spots on his back and reveal his skin. Erika sees the pitch-black skin with bubbles forming as if it was boiling and Fukami quickly throws himself onto his back, lying on the ground, making it look natural.


Fukami's been freed! Now only Anthea remains! But she's so strong! Will we be able to beat her as well?!

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