Chapter 2: Injured

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"Oh my gosh! Are you alright sir?" I asked the unknown man as I knelt down beside him. "I'm fine," he replied as I instantly told him that he clearly wasn't 'fine'. I took his arm and wrapped it around my shoulder as he grimaced in pain.

"Sorry," I said, trying to help him to his feet. "Just leave me here," he said, leaving me in shock. How could he even suggest something so dumb? I thought, sure of my confusion being evident in my facial expressions. "No. There aren't any hospitals near here so I'm taking you back to my place, alright?" "I said leave me here!" he yelled. "No! I am not going to leave you here! I can't, I won't," I yelled back. "Why, why are you helping me?"

"Because, I refuse to leave any injured person on the road in the middle of the night. I also refuse to argue about this, so I am taking you to my house and that's final." I told him, as I opened the passenger door and helped him into my car. I noticed that he was limping a bit while walking, then I realised that he had a wound on his leg and not just on his lower abdomen.

He winced as I put the seatbelt on for him before I walked around to the other side of the car, getting in and putting my own seatbelt on. "We have about a 30 minute drive until we get to my place so you can rest for a bit." I said as I put my seatbelt on before turning the car back on and starting to drive home.

Time skip 5 mins from home (still Y/N POV)

"So, what's your name?" I asked, only to get silence as a reply. I turned around to see the injured stranger sleeping peacefully. I reached my hand out and moved a strand of hair from his face, 'Cute' I thought when I saw a slight smile on his lips. I pulled up into the driveway and undid my seatbelt, followed by his. I slowly and carefully shook him, trying to wake him up "Five more minutes hyung" he said with his eyes closed.

I chuckled and said "Sir we've reached my house" he moved a bit and woke up wincing at the sudden pain he felt when his hand accidentally hit the wound on his stomach. "Good, you're finally awake, we're here." I said, getting out of the car and helping him out of it, before closing his door and locking the car while we were walking to the front door. I could feel him staring at me as I unlocked the door and led him to the couch before helping him take off his shoes.

I brought him a glass of water and sat down beside him, "What's your name mystery man?" I asked looking at him "Don't call me that," he said, taking a pause from drinking water. "Then tell me your name," I said, clearly irritating him even more, "Ugh, fine. My name is Seo Changbin. Now tell me yours." "Jeez, demanding much? Ask politely," I said.

"What? No, why should I?" he said looking at me confused and annoyed by my request. "Because I brought you home to my place, in the middle of the night without even knowing who you are Mr. Seo Changbin." I said sternly as I gave him a death glare. "I told you to leave me there, you're the one who didn't listen," he said, not fazed by my death glare in the slightest. I shot up off the couch, angry.

"How could I listen?! You were crazy asking me to leave you there. You could've gotten hurt even worse if I left you there. Don't you get that? You were insane to even suggest that I leave you there!" I yelled at him, saying 'suggest' with force.

"Why do you even care if I get hurt? Like you just said, you don't even know me, so why the hell do you care?" he said, his voice slightly raised. "Because, I didn't want another person to die because I didn't help them when I should have," I whispered underneath my breath, but he heard it.


Hi readers! I hope you liked the second chapter of my book! I hope it's enough to keep you guys waiting for the next one. Please vote comment and recommend the story to your friends if you liked it and add my book tot your library to get updates when I post!

The third chapter will be posted next week on Friday, August 18! Please look forward to it!

Love, romzzz_xo

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