Chapter 12: Operation: Watchful Guardians

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I sighed as Changbin finished telling me about where he had disappeared to last night. "Hyung, I bet they saw her help me. They're going to be looking for her. Hell, they probably already know everything about her," Changbin said, looking down at his lap. "I need to help her the way she helped me. Hyung, I need to make sure nothing happens to her," he continued. "I know Changbin, I know. Right now, all we can do is keep an eye on her. If we pay any attention to her, or interact with her in any way, Park will take it as a chance to believe that we know her. If he thinks that we are close to her, he'll definitely try to hurt her, we both know that," I said, trying to comfort. "I know hyung, but I still want to see her, to make sure she's okay," he said, finally looking up at me. "You know that we can't do that Changbin, but I can promise you that we'll keep an eye on her. Maybe not in person, but she'll be taken care of all right?" I pulled him into a hug, wanting him to stop putting all the blame on himself. "What if they find her hyung? What if they hurt her? It'll all be because of me, all because I let her help me, all because she trusted me," he said, still hugging me. I patted his back and told him not to worry about it for now. "Changbin-ah listen to me, I promise I will make sure to keep an eye on her, but right now it's time for you to take your medicine and take a nap. Doctor's orders," I said with a smile. I handed him his medicine despite his protests and had him take it before I helped him lie down and sat beside him as he fell asleep.
Time skip 15 mins later
I got up as I was sure Changbin was asleep. I carefully made my way out of his room, closing the door behind me. I walked down the hallway to the stairs and went all the way to the basement. When I finally reached the basement hallway, I made my way to the first door on the left. Seeing Felix sitting on one of the comfy looking gaming chairs staring at the monitors in front of him, I walked in slowly, so as to not disturb him. I waited until he finished his game before walking up to him, stopping him before he could start a new one. "Hey Lix," I said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Oh, hey Chan hyung, is Changbin hyung asleep yet?" he replied. "Yup, I just came from his room. So listen Felix, I need you to do something for me," I said looking at the monitor, noticing that Felix had been playing League of Legends. "Sure hyung, what do you want me to do?" he said following my gaze. "Get eyes on Y/n-ssi. Changbin was telling me what happened to him last night and is really worried about her," I said, seeing the obvious confusion on Felix's face. "Why would Changbin hyung be worried about her? It's not like Park saw her or something," he said, looking at me with a questioning expression. Hearing my silence, he continued, "Wait, don't tell me he's seen her? Hyung this is a joke right? Please say you're kidding." Noticing the worry laced in his voice, I decided to call Lee Know in the room so that I could tell them both what Changbin had told me. Finally having finished the story, I said, "I'm not sure if Park saw her personally, but as far as Changbin told me, his minions definitely have." "What?? No, how could that happen? I thought Changbin had gotten away from them before he ran into Y/n-ssi," Lee Know said. "Yeah, I mean I thought that he walked far enough for them to not see him," Felix agreed. "I thought so too, but apparently they had followed Changbin to make sure he would die, or at least pass out," I said, getting understanding nods from both of them. "So, what exactly do you need me to do hyung? I mean, I know you want me to get eyes on Y/n, but I mean, how? Through CCTV's, dash cams, or do you want me to let her know that we should install cameras?" Felix asked, mirroring the determined look on Lee Know's face, which I found cute. I turned to Lee Know as he started speaking, "No, we can't install cameras in her house, it could be dangerous if they find out that we even went there. We can't take that risk, especially if Park's guys saw her face, it would be easy for them to get info on her, including her address. Besides, even if they had decided that she wasn't a threat to them and had no relation with us,". "That doesn't mean they don't have eyes on us. They could very well track us to her place if we're not careful," Felix cut off Lee Know, understanding why that would be a bad idea. "I liked your CCTV idea though Felix. We could tap into the cameras outside her apartment building, and any that lead out into any primary intersections," I said, joining the conversation again. "We could also let her know to avoid trying to see us," I continued. "But how would we? We can't see her," Lee Know asked "Changbin has her number-or rather she has his," I answered his question. "That's why she asked me to stay back. She wanted to get his number," I said before Felix interrupted me by making an 'ooh' sound. I laughed before clarifying "She wanted it so that she could check up on him every now and then. Changbin told me that she has a medical degree or something, so she could probably give us advice on how to re-bandage the wound, or if it starts hurting, she could let him know what to do about it,". "Ok so, what's the final plan? How are we going to handle this," Felix asked both Lee Know and I. "Let's tap into the CCTV's first and we'll go from there," I said before continuing, "I'll message Y/n-ssi right now and ask what her address is". "But wait hyung, wouldn't it be weird to just ask her like that? How could we ask her without telling her what's going on?" Lee Know stated. "Good point. I don't think it's a good idea to tell her. She'd probably get worried, especially since she has no idea what we do for a living," Felix agreed. "Ok, then let's just search her up in our system, that way we'll get her address and you could tap into the cameras around there. Right Lix?" I said as I got a nod of confirmation from my fellow Aussie before he started talking,  "I feel like this mission needs a name," he said seemingly in deep thought before his eyes lit up. "Oh I know, 'Operation Watchful Guardians' cause we'll be guarding her by keeping an eye on her, get it?" Lee Know laughed before replying "Yeah Yongbok-ah we get it," he said. "Operation: Watchful Guardians," I said repeating the name, "I like it," I continued before Felix started once again, "Ok then, operation: 'Watchful Guardians' starts now."
Hi guys! I just want to say thank you so much for all of your recent support on this story. It means a lot! So, on that note, I hope you guys liked this chapter and please vote, comment and share the story with your friends if you like it!

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