Chapter 14: 'Answer his question.'

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Y/n's POV

"Thank you" I said as Chan-ssi handed me back my phone. "No problem," he replied in his Australian accent before we both waved each other goodbye and he left to catch up with his friends. "Y/n! Are you done yet? C'mon let's go," Jisung oppa said, calling me over. "What do you mean let's go? I drove my car here," I said, as I walked over to my brother.

"I mean, come stay at our place," he said, crossing his arms. "No, no, absolutely not. You and the boys are crowded enough in that two bedroom you don't need me to make that worse alright? I mean if anything, you should come stay with me, that would free up space at your apartment, and your constant worrying and nagging about me would stop too. Honestly I think it's a win-win," I said, crossing my arms too.

"It's not crowded, you're literally the only person that thinks that. Plus, it's not a two bedroom, it's a three bedroom and two washrooms. See? It's been so long since you've come over that you've forgotten what our place is like," Hyunjin said, interrupting our conversation, as his drama llama self wiped non-existent tears from Innie's eyes.

"It hasn't even been that long guys. I literally came over to your place to drop off Woojoo, don't you remember?" I said, trying to make a point before Seungmin interrupted. "Y/n that was like a month ago. You dropped him off two months after my birthday, and today is exactly three months," he said matter-of-factly. "How do you remember that? It was a month ago for god's sake!" I said, throwing my hands in the air.

"It's thanks to this little thing called a day planner," he said. "Day planner? You plan out when we meet and write it all down in a book?" Hyunjin asked, looking at Seungmin as if he was an alien or something. "No, not in a book, in my phone," he said, crossing his arms and glaring back at Hyunjin. "To be honest that makes it a little better, but still, that's weird Seungmin," Hyunjin said with a sassy look.

"Look I'm not coming to stay with you guys alright? I'll come pick up Woojoo today, but I'm going back to my place after that," I said, putting an end to their banter. "But why? Why won't you just come stay with us Y/n? Please come stay, these hyungs are starting to get annoying," Innie said with a pout. "Starting? You've known them since we were kids and they're just now starting to get annoying?" I joked, earning angry glares from the three men and a loud laugh from Innie.

"Cut it out, both of you, and fine Y/n you don't have to come stay with us, just promise you'll apply for a job nearby there. Please?" Jisung oppa asked, as my eyes widened, earning a thoroughly confused expression from him. "Wait apply? WHy would she apply for a job? She has one, doesn't she? I mean it's crappy sure but you do have a job right? Y/n?" Seungmin asked, as I avoided eye contact.

"Y/n? Answer his question. You do have a job right?" I heard Hyunjin ask, as he stepped closer to me with a stern look on his face. "Y/nie? Why won't you answer their questions? It's fine, they'll understand," Innie said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I kept avoiding eye contact with Hyunjin and Seungmin, but Jeongin saying that really put a lot of doubt in both of their minds.

They kept asking me about it until finally I couldn't handle the pressure anymore. "Alright, alright, I'll tell you, jeez," I said, instantly hearing silence. "I got fired alright? For something I didn't do. I was embarrassed that I didn't stand up for myself, which is why I didn't want to tell you guys," I said, switching my gaze between Hyunjin and Seungmin and then back to Hyunjin again.

"But you told the two of them? Why? Why couldn't you tell us?" Hyunjin asked, seeming offended. "I don't know, okay? I don't know. I guess I just didn't want more people to know, I mean it was already three before Jisung oppa outed me to you two," I said, not being able to defend my own poor decisions.

"Wait, three? I thought it was just me and Innie. Who's the third?" Jisung oppa said, as I realised that I just made yet another dumb mistake. "It's Changbin," I said, closing my eyes with a sigh, waiting for all of them to get mad at me. But instead, silence. Silence. That's all I heard, not a scoff, not a sigh, not a word. Just silence.

Hyunjin's POV

"It's Changbin," I heard Y/n say as she sighed, closing her eyes. 'What? Changbin? That guy she brought in? That's the first person she told? She would rather have him know than me?' I thought to myself. I had no words, no thoughts, no understanding of the situation.

All I wanted to know was why she was okay with telling that Changbin guy, but not me, not Seungmin. I've known her since she was a kid, we all have, but she would rather tell some random guy she met less than a day ago. "How could you be okay telling him and not us?" Seungmin said from beside me, reading my mind.

"I don't know, I just don't know. He asked, it was like he could see right through me, right through my facade, right through my smile. It was weird, it felt like I could tell him anything and my secret would be safe with him," Y/n said, looking up at Seungmin and then me. She had tears in her eyes. Tears. The girl that I've known since I was literally 4 years old was crying and all I could do was feel bad. All I could do was feel like I screwed up.

Despite my anger, my confusion, my frustration, all I could do was want to cry with her. I wanted to hug her, to hold her and wipe all her tears away. "Okay, okay, relax, stop crying, we're not mad okay? Just confused, just stop crying Y/nie please, you know we hate seeing you like this. You know we can't see you like this," I said, as all four of us crowded around her, pulling her into a huge group hug.

She was a sister to us, all of us. Not only Jisung, but Seungmin, Jeongin, and me too. She was our little sister. Even to Jeongin, even though they are only a few months apart. I laughed slightly, earning a confused look from teary-eyed Y/n looking up at me. "Why are you laughing Hyunjin?" she said, letting go of me. "Sorry I just thought that you look really funny when you cry," I said with a smile, as my eyes widened, realising what I just said.

"Wait, not like that! I don't mean you look funny like funny, I mean funny like cute funny," I said, trying to defend myself before this little sister of mine could get the chance to hit me. "Oh, well if that's what you meant then it's okay," she said, as we all laughed and she hugged me once more.

Jeongin joined the hug, then Jisung, and finally our savage puppy Seungmin. This was it. This is all I need, my best friends, my family. Suddenly, I couldn't care less if Y/n told Changbin before me, and by the smile on Seungmin's face, I could tell that he couldn't care less either.

Hi readers!

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter! The date in the story and today's date where I live match up! December 22! This is going to be my last update until after Christmas so please be patient! Please vote, comment, share and recommend the story to your friends if you like it!

Yours truly,
romzzz_xo   <3

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