Chapter 11: Last Night's Story

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I got out of the car, Felix beside me and Chan hyung and Lee Know hyung waiting for us in the car, watching from the CCTV cameras all over the place. We were about to infiltrate a club owned by one of our biggest enemies. They were one of the biggest mafia gangs – after us, that is. Me and Felix walked into the club and slowly scanned the room when finally, my eyes landed on him, Park Jimin.

He'd been planning to attack our headquarters for a while now, but as soon as we found out, we decided to attack them first. Which is how we ended up here, in Park Jimin's club, a place known for money laundering and swarming with people wanting to sell or buy drugs. The police were too afraid of Park to do anything, and since they were our rivals anyways we decided to take this place down; and if things go well, Park with it.

I nudged Felix and gestured in Park's direction so Felix would know where to look. Slowly, we made our way to the bar and called for some mocktails because, obviously, we needed to be in our right minds to carry out the mission. All of a sudden, some drunk girl came up to Felix and started flirting with him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Park get up and walk out, two bodyguards following close behind.

I followed them out of the club making sure not to be seen. When I finally got through all the sweaty, dancing bodies, I could no longer see Park in front of me. I made my way towards a small alley beside the club, knowing fully that Chan hyung and Lee Know hyung would no longer be able to see me if I did. I walked closer to the back alley when I started hearing a few voices. I slowly looked past the wall and saw Park smoking a pipe with his two bodyguards watching the front entrance of the alley.

I decided to go around the back so that they wouldn't see me coming. I made my way around the building and was soon standing directly behind Park. I grabbed his neck and tried to muffle his screams, but all in vain as he kicked his feet which made his bodyguards turn around. They charged towards me as I tried to keep Park as close as possible.

They both took turns taking hits at me; when finally, the fifth punch to my stomach finally made my grip loosen and they got a chance to get Park out of my grasp, which they quickly followed through with. I kept fighting them throwing punches and kicks to their guts, faces and legs, my hits kept landing while theirs were continuously dodged.

A third guy came up from behind me, probably having been sent by Park, and started to choke me. This gave the other two the opportunity to take free hits at me, but I quickly got out of his grasp. What I didn't see was one of the first two bodyguards holding a knife. He lunged at me, thankfully I dodged it, but apparently not enough because when I looked down, my shirt was cut and there was blood flowing from my abdomen.

The next thing I knew, the other bodyguard came at me with a knife of his own and put a huge gash through my leg. They finally got the best of me and bashed me until I was almost unconscious, and when they thought I was no longer worth fighting, they threw me to the side and went back into the club to Park. Dogs I thought, they're all just Park's puppy dogs, following his every move and order. They had no mind of their own, no decisions to be made.

When they were no longer in my reach, I got up holding my side and decided to try walking back to Chan and Lee Know hyung. All of a sudden, as I was crossing the middle of the street, a car's headlights shone on me as I heard the screech of the brakes. A lady walked out, angry, but I couldn't keep myself up any longer and fell to the ground. She ran up to me asking if I was alright which obviously, I wasn't, but she didn't need to know that.

"I'm fine" I said, as she took my arm and wrapped it around her shoulder sending shocks of pain through my body. "Sorry," she said, trying to help me up. "Just leave me here," I said, as she looked at me, her jaw dropped. She looked confused, as if I'd said something unbelievable before saying, "No. There aren't any hospitals near here so I'm taking you back to my place, alright?" "I said leave me here!" I yelled. "No! I am not going to leave you here! I can't, I won't," she yelled straight back at me.

"Why, why are you helping me?," too tired and exhausted to yell anymore. "Because, I refuse to leave any injured person on the road in the middle of the night. I also refuse to argue about this, so I am taking you to my house and that's final," she said, and before I knew it, I was in her car as she drove me to her place. I couldn't think about anything other than the fact that Park's bodyguards had probably seen everything go down. They would definitely be coming after her soon, and I needed to stop them before anything can happen to her.


Hi readers!

It's your author romzzz_xo, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Also, do you guys know which Kpop idols song I based the title of this chapter on? Comment your guesses!

Anyways, please vote, comment, share, and recommend the story to your friends if you like it!

Love you guys,

romzzz_xo <3

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