Chapter 13: Like a Brother

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Lee Know POV

"Ok then, operation: 'Watchful Guardians' starts now," said Felix before turning to face the monitors in front of him. "Alright, Lee Know, go check on Changbin, it's been about an hour and a half since he fell asleep. I don't want him to sleep for too long, or he won't be able to sleep at night, if he's still asleep, stay with him for a bit and wake him up in like 20 minutes, if he's awake just bring him here, we'll let him know what's going on once we've got eyes on Y/n-ssi," said Chan hyung.

"Ok, I can do that hyung, don't worry," I reassured him. "Great, while you're doing that, I'll go check the system to find out where Y/n-ssi lives and Felix when I get back use whatever I find to get eyes on her alright?" Chan hyung asked. "Sure hyung, but what do you want me to do until then?" Felix replied. "I'll give you her number, text her and ask her where she works so that we could get an eye on her there too," Chan hyung said as Yongbok nodded - adorably, might I add.

"Ok then since we all know what to do, let's get to work," I said, clapping my hands before leaving the two Australians in the room. I started walking in the direction of Changbinnie's room and when I was outside his door I knocked softly. When I didn't hear anything but faint snores, I opened the door, a small smile tugging at my lips after seeing Changbin sound asleep. 'Damn those painkillers must've really done the job' I thought, seeing Changbin roll over without a single sign of pain.

I walked over to his bed slowly and grabbed a chair before sitting down beside his bed. "I'm so glad you're okay Changbin-ah, I swear I almost got a heart attack when Felix told us you had left and he couldn't find you anywhere," I said in a voice even lower than a whisper. Changbin was like a little brother to me more than a friend, I'd known him since we joined Chan hyung which was over seven years ago. I loved him like the little brother I never had, Felix too, and Chan hyung was our big brother, but they would never know that of course.

"Never do that to me again, got it," I said slightly louder as if Changbin could hear me. I laughed at myself as Changbin shifted, but this time, I saw pain in his expression. I lunged forward, to stop him from lying down on the side of his body that had the wound. I slowly pushed him back into the position he was in before and saw as his face relaxed. I decided to just wait until he woke up rather than trying to wake him up.

Time skip 20 mins later Changbin POV

One hand on my forehead and the other on my wound, I slowly opened my eyes to see Lee Know hyung dozing off in a chair beside my bed. Confused, I tried to get up, resulting in a painful shock across my body, I screamed. Lee Know hyung woke up quickly, immediately coming up to me to help, and check on me. "Are you okay? Why didn't you just call my name? Why would you try to get up on your own? You know you're hurt really badly," he said, very quickly.

"Alright, alright I'm sorry hyung, jeez, relax, I'm fine," I replied, earning a deathly stare from Lee Know hyung. "You're fine, huh? Ok we'll get up then. Get up if you're 'fine'," he said, adding air quotes to the end. "Yeah okay I'm not fine, but why are you here hyung? Don't you usually work out right now?" I asked, saying the last bit with a smirk. I watched as his expression changed for less than a second before quickly changing it back to his usual, cold demeanour.

"Chan hyung told me I had to keep an eye on you, that's the only reason I'm even here," he said trying to defend himself, knowing full-well that I could see through his lie. "Ok then," I said knowing he didn't mind being here, even if Chan hyung hadn't told him to watch me he probably would have done it anyways. "Anyways," he said, changing the topic before continuing, "Chan hyung said to bring you to the watch room after you wake up, so come on let's go, we have something to tell you," he said as he walked up to my side.

"What is it?" I said as he wrapped my arm around his shoulders and helped me up. "You'll see, let's just focus on getting to the watch room for now, okay?" he said, helping me walk out of the room. "No, not okay, why won't you just tell me hyung?" I said before continuing, "Did something happen? What's going on?"  "You'll find out when we get there," Lee Know hyung said sternly. "Fine, I guess I'll just shut up then," I said, only to get a "thank god" from Lee Know hyung. I frowned as I heard that, but I was wincing the next second as I took yet another excruciatingly painful step towards the monitor room.

"Are we almost there, hyung?" I asked, my eyes closed and partially doubled over due to the pain. "Almost Changbin-ah, just count to 60 and we'll be there okay?" he said, trying to make me feel a little better. '1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..' I counted in my head as we continued making our way to the other room. "60," I said out loud as I opened my eyes, seeing the door to the monitor room , which by the way looked heavenly for the first time in my life. "I don't think I've ever been so happy to see a door in my entire life," I said, exhausted.

As Lee Know hyung moved up a bit to open the door, it opened from the inside revealing Chan hyung. "Oh you guys are here, I was just about to go find you," he said, helping us in. "He was sleeping like a log and you said not to wake him up so I didn't," Lee Know hyung said as they sat me down on a chair beside Felix. "Are you feeling better at all hyung?," asked the younger Aussie.

"A little bit, but can someone please tell me what's so important? Lee Know hyung started and then decided it was a smart idea to stop and let me overthink instead," I said, looking at Chan hyung with pleading eyes, and glaring at Lee Know hyung the next. "We figured out how to keep Y/n safe hyung," Felix said with his signature sunshine smile. "What?! You did?? How? What's the plan then?" I asked, suddenly more excited.

"First of all, relax, it's not gonna help us if you get hurt from jumping in your seat like that," Chan hyung said as I immediately stopped, waiting patiently for him to explain. "We decided to use security cameras instead," he started. "We asked her where she lives and works so that we could access any CCTV in those areas," Chan hyung explained. "Oh that actually makes a lot of sense. Good job guys," I said before Felix caught all our attention.

"Uh, guys? Does that guy look suspicious to you too?" he asked, pointing to a man on the screen in front of him and all our heads turned in the direction of the monitors. "Felix, where are these cameras around?" Lee Know hyung asked, seemingly concerned. "Outside Y/n's office," Felix said, his eyes still trailing the suspicious looking guy walking outside the building. "Where is that building Lix? We need to go check this out, Chan hyung said, getting ready before I interrupted.

"Guys relax, she won't be there," I said, earning confused looks from all three of them, urging me to continue. "She got fired, she told me herself that she got fired last night for something that wasn't even her fault," I said looking down as my fist clenched subconsciously in anger. "Wait, so she won't be there for sure right?" Lee Know hyung asked in order to confirm what I had just said. "Yeah she shouldn't be there," I replied as Chan hyung held my clenched fist trying to open my hand when he noticed that my knuckles were turning white.

"Relax," Chan hyung whispered from behind me as I finally let him open my hand. "Yeah okay okay but what are we gonna do about this then? If this really is Park's guy then they know that she worked here which means they most likely know where she lives. As soon as they find out that she doesn't work there anymore," I said, very seriously before Lee Know hyung cut me off. "Then the next place they'll go is her house," he said finishing my sentence.

"We have to find out if this is Park's guy or not before we do anything else," Chan hyung said. "Actually hyung I think it would be a better idea to have someone working on ID'ing this guy while we stay in here and keep an eye on Y/n," Felix objected. "I agree," said Lee Know hyung, nodding towards Felix. "It's your call Changbin," Chan hyung said, looking at me.

"Okay, well if it's my call then I think Lix's idea would be better for this situation," I said, crossing my arms. "Ok then it's decided. Lee Know and I will ID the guy while Felix and Changbin stay here and monitor Y/n-ssi's house. Am I clear?" Chan hyung said, as we all responded in unison "Yes hyung"


Hi readers!

It's your author romzzz_xo, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Btw thank you guys sm for 300+ reads! T~T no seriously tysm I'm so glad so many of you like the story.

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Love you guys,

romzzz_xo <3

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