Chapter 18: 'I got fired'

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Felix's POV

As I left Chris' room I turned the corner making my way back to mine when I noticed that Changbin's bedroom door is ajar. I walked over to his room curiously as I peeked into the room to see an empty bed. I walked in further, now slightly concerned as I looked for Changbin hyung. "Hyung?" I called out as I walked into the room, I sighed as I saw him sitting at his desk, until I noticed that he had his head in his hands.

"Hyung, are you okay?" I said, walking closer as he muttered something incoherent. "What was that hyung?" I asked as I now stood beside him. "What if I can't save her, Yongbok-ah?" I heard him say as I sighed leaning against his desk. "Hyung, we're gonna keep her safe, I promise. Nothing is going to happen to Y/n, we'll all make sure of it." I tell him as I put a hand on his shoulder.

"But what if he gets to her? What if she gets hurt...because of me?" he says as I rub his shoulder. "Hyung, you're doing everything you can, we all are. And she'll be safe, I'm sure of it," I tell him as I pull him to his feet and walk him back to bed. "How'd you even get to the desk? I thought your leg still hurt," I asked him, realising that he had somehow gotten from his bed to the desk.

"I hopped," he replied simply as I laughed a little. "Hyung, don't hop. Just call one of us. Okay?" I said as I helped him back into bed. "Yeah, yeah, fine," he replied as he pulled the covers over his body. "Just sleep now hyung, it's late, goodnight," I told him as I walked out of the room, shutting the door behind me. "We'll keep her safe, hyung, I promise," I mutter to myself as I walk to my room.

Time skip, the next morning, 9:00am, Lee Know POV

I stirred awake as I crawled out of bed feeling groggy. I made my way to the washroom as Chan hyung stumbled out of it and we exchanged some grunts and head nods as he left the washroom and I entered it. I quickly got through with my morning routine coming out half an hour later feeling refreshed. I made my way to the comms room as I saw Changbin sitting there.

"You look like a train hit you," I told him teasingly. "Thanks, you look like you were the one conducting the train," he says back with a sarcastic smile as I laugh a little. "At least your humour is untouched," I concluded before sitting down next to him as we both monitored the CCTV's "Where's Chan hyung?" Changbin asked from next to me as I replied.

"I saw him like half an hour ago, he should probably be here soon," I told Changbin as he nodded, turning back to the monitors. A little while later, Chan hyung walked into the room as he said good morning to us and sat down. "Hey boys, how are you? Changbin, are you feeling better?" he says in his Australian accent.

"Yeah, I'm a bit better, hyung" Changbin replies as the three of us get to work, until a worried looking Felix comes in yelling, "Hyung!!" We jump up at his yell, mimicking his worry as Changbin asks, worriedly, "What?! What happened??" he says as Felix replies. "I don't have everything I need to make brownies!!" The three of us facepalm as we fall back onto our chairs, annoyed yet relieved.

"Felix! That's what you came here to tell us??" I say, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Well, yeah! Why else would I be so worried?" Felix asks as the three of us look at him in disbelief. "Uh, hello?? Y/n!" Changbin says, earning agreeing nods from Channie hyung and I as Felix's face flushes, embarrassed as he scratches the back of his neck.

"Oh, right, heh, sorry," Felix says as the three of us can't stay mad at him for very long and we smile softly as Chan hyung speaks up. "Let's get back to work boys, Felix, join us," he says as Felix nods and joins us in the monitoring. He pulls his rolling chair beside Changbin's as they monitor together and Chan hyung and I watch as Felix massages Changbin's back as usual.

Meanwhile, at Y/n's house, Seungmin's POV

"I got fired," Y/n said simply as the four of us looked at her, jaws dropped. Shinyoung was going to kill her for that. I winced, preparing myself for the screaming that was about to come from the other end of the call as I looked at Y/n like she was crazy with the slightest bit of sympathy for her ears.

"WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN FIRED?!" Shinyoung's booming voice came through the phone and I could hear her clearly, despite my ears being plugged. I watched as Y/n's face scrunched from the yelling as she spoke. "Stop yelling, it's not like we didn't expect this," she told Shinyoung and honestly, it was true.

She had been telling us that she thought that her boss would fire her soon and well, what do you know? He did. "Yeah, that's true, but still! How dare he!" Shinyoung said on the other end of the call as the five of us laughed at her anger and dismay. "Shinyoung, it's stupid, but it's life," Y/n says as she takes another bite of her sandwich.

"It isn't fine! Who am I gonna complain to now?? Who am I gonna ask a million questions to?!" Shinyoung said with an almost mock worry. "Talk to your work crush, now you even have an excuse to do it," Y/n says as I laugh a little and speak. "Shinyoung, you have a work crush? Do you even get anything done or do you just stare at him the whole time?" I tease as Shinyoung looks at me irritatedly and sticks her tongue out at the phone. All five of us laugh at Shinyoung's reaction as Y/n gets up to wash hers and Jeongin's dishes as she says a quick bye to Shinyoung and hangs up.


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Until next time,


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