Chapter 15: Four Dishes in Four Hours

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Seungmin's POV

I watched as Jisung and Jeongin joined Y/nie and Hyunjin in a hug. I was standing still until Y/n yanked me into the group hug too. I won't lie, it was a nice hug, but I wasn't about to tell them that. I forgave her, I forgave Y/n, I didn't really care that she didn't want to tell us. I mean I understood, it probably was uncomfortable for her to talk about it to us since we've known her for so long.

I don't think Hyunjin thought of it that way though, I could see the confusion and frustration on his face earlier, that's why I asked Y/nie why she told the Changbin guy but didn't tell us. I didn't care that much, but Hyunjin was really uncomfortable about it so I wanted for him to have his questions answered. "Anyways, let's go, I wanna see my baby Woojoo," Y/n said, breaking the hug.

"Fine but at least stay for dinner, we have to get all of Woojoo's things anyways and I haven't had your kimchi-jjigae in so long," Jisung said, smiling at the thought of his sister's famous kimchi-jjigae. "Oh oh, you should make us some dak-galbi, Y/nie," Innie said, shaking Y/n's arm. "No no, you should make me some jajangmyeon," said Hyunjin as Y/nie just sighed, turning towards me.

"What about you Seungmin, what do you want me to make for you?" she said, as my eyes lit up. "Make me some kal-guksu please," I said, flashing my puppy smile. "Is that it or is there more? Actually, don't answer that. I can't believe you guys invited me over for dinner and then want me to make you dinner," she said face palming herself.

"Well you're the best cook out of all five of us
Y/nie. Maybe if you were a bad cook like us then we wouldn't ask you," Hyunjin said, shrugging his shoulders with a smile. "Yeah, yeah, whatever lets just go, if you guys really do want me to make all this food then I have a lot to do before dinner," she said, starting to walk away from us.

"Well you don't have to make it all today if you don't think you can," I said before continuing. "Just make one thing for today and make the other stuff for us whenever you get time, and we can eat it over the week. Plus, even if you did manage to make everything there's no way we could finish it all in one sitting," I said, as the four of us caught up to Y/n.

"Wait, guys what are we doing?" Innie asked, confusing all of us. "What do you mean?" we all asked simultaneously. "We have to work, or did you two forget because of jajangmyeon and kal-guksu?" Jeongin asked, directing the question towards me and Hyunjin. "Oh yeah," Hyunjin said.

"It's okay. Jisung-ah, you take Y/n back to our place and out to do any grocery if she needs anything because I doubt we'll have everything she needs," I said, pushing the two forward. "Yeah we'll see you after work okay?" Hyunjin said, waving. "Bye guys, see you soon!" Innie said to the two of them, waving as well. "Bye see you," Jisung, Y/n, and I said all together as they walked away.

Jisung's POV
"Ok, first of all, is there anything you need to buy for tonight?" I asked my little sister as we walked to our cars. "I don't know yet, I'll have to see what you guys have already, and I'm assuming you don't know what you have," she said, crossing her arms and looking at me all judgy. " Alright stop with the sass, I am older than you, remember?" I said.

"Yeah I know, sorry oppa," she said before continuing. "My car's that way," she said, pointing in the opposite direction that I had to go in. "Ok, well I'm going the other way, meet you back at our place?" I said, as she nodded, walking off.

Time skip at the boys' house Y/n's POV

Jisung Oppa began unlocking the door as we heard barking coming from inside, both of us laughing at Woojoo's excitement. Jisung oppa opened the door and we walked in. I didn't get very far before Woojoo knocked me down by pouncing on me. His tail wagged as he jumped off of me. "Hey boy," I said, petting him and scratching behind his ears which he loved.

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