Health Goes Up But Patience Goes Down

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Hey guys :D It's about time I've updated. It's literally 3:30am and i'm like nearly bawling because some stupid fuck decided it would be okay to interfere with whatever relationship I had going on with my crush which led to him telling me he liked me but that we can't really do anything about it. So. I'm using writing as my way of coping. Hence reader's sassiness (sassyness?). And anger. And irritation. Fuck you you stupid piece of fucking *cue bleeping noises* AND LET'S GET STARTED WITH WRITING.


I sighed and looked around the house, searching for Hanji. Hopefully the bubbly woman was close, else I'd have to go back to Levi.

God, he makes my head the fuck does that annoying ginger stand him?!

Well...they're both really annoying, so I guess it makes sense.

I finally spotted a large bun of brown hair leaning over the sink in the kitchen, scrubbing the dishes as she spoke on the phone perched between her ear and shoulder.

"No, she seems to be best. She's slept almost the entire time she's been here... Yeah, I'm a bit worried about her... No, she doesn't talk much... I don't know, Mike. Should I take her to counseling-"

"NO!" I shouted, surprising the both of us.

Hanji squealed and nearly dropped the phone in the sink, and I had to hold my breath to stifle a laugh.

"No. I don't want to go to counseling. I'm fine," I murmured, unconsciously twirling a strand of hair around my finger.

"O-okay...I won't take you to counseling then..."

"I hit my head on the faucet. Levi told me to come see you."

"Uh, yeah, okay, show me."

I looked up at her, moving the hair off of my forehead.

"Holy crap, uh, (f/n), you're gonna need stitches," she said with wide eyes.

"You're kidding," I growled.

" need stitches. Come on, I'll patch you up. You won't feel a thing."

I groaned as Hanji grabbed my hand and tugged me off to another room all the way at the other side of the house.

"This is the first aid room. Since there are a bunch of you guys, we need a room specifically for this, especially since Eren and Jean are constantly at each other's throats," Hanji said as she pushed me into a large office chair, the faux leather cold once it came into contact with my legs.

I watched her closely as she moved around the room, opening cabinets and drawers and grabbing a bunch of random stuff.

"Okay, this'll hurt a bit," Hanji sang as she poured a clear liquid onto a cotton pad after pulling on a pair of white gloves.

"What is that?" I asked nervously, praying it wasn't alcohol again.

"Lidocaine. It'll numb your head a bit so I can stitch you up without you feeling it. Or feeling it too much. Something like that," she shrugged and began to wipe my forehead down with it.

I winced a bit, my headache starting up again as she ran the pad over the bump on my forehead where I hit it.

"Shit, that hurts," I hissed, trying to keep myself from swatting her hands away.

"Language!" She giggled as she pulled her hand away. "Okay, now that that's all done, I just need to clean that up a bit!"

"Levi already did that..." I mumbled, trying to ignore the pain.

"Oh, okay, then let's get started!" She said excitedly before reaching over to the counter next to her and picking up a thin tube.

Shit, I thought to myself. What have I gotten myself into?


"All done!" Hanji squealed and clapped her hands after taking her gloves off and disposing the needle.

"Thanks," I muttered as I stood up, lightly touching the now bandaged spot on my forehead.

"Yup! I'll check on that every day, and hopefully I'll be able to take those out by next week. Speaking of next week, we're required to enroll you in school, and you gotta be there by next week, so Erwin and I have to take you shopping for your uniform and some school supplies," she replied as she cleaned up the small mess she made.

"I have to go to a new school, don't I?" I murmured to myself.

Seriously, the last thing on my mind these past couple of days was anything but school.

"Yeah, but don't worry, all of the other kiddos here go to this school, and Levi volunteers there daily as a tutor, but mainly to keep an eye on everyone where I can't."

"So what you're saying is that no matter where I go, I'll be stuck with Levi? Great...."


I finally made it back to my room and flopped down face-first into my bed, making sure I didn't hit my forehead.

"You actually listened to me? Tch, how unexpected," I heard a voice say from beside me.

"Oh, you're just the person I wanted to hear," I muttered sarcastically, already irritated with him.

"Oi, there's no need for you to get...what's the word? Oh, yeah, bitchy," he replied, his voice a lot closer than it was before.

Out of pure curiosity, I rolled over so I was on my back and looked to the side of my bed, nearly coming face-to-crotch with Levi.

"What the fuck?!" I yelped, immediately rolling back over and forgetting any thought of a response.

"Tch, brat, be more careful," he snickered, and I could practically feel the smirk on his face.

"ME be more careful?! More like YOU get YOUR dick out of MY face!" I snapped, a furious blush creeping up my neck.

He literally just stood next to my bed. He stood next to my bed! Be careful MY ASS!

"There's no need for such dirty language, (f/n)."

"Not even an hour ago you told me to shut the fuck up and leave, so..."

"You're not very careful and you can't tell time. You went to Hanji about 2 hours ago to get cleaned up."



"If you don't shut the fuck up right now, you'll have to go to Hanji too."


Aaaaand this is where i'm stopping because it's 4:44am and i'm way too tired. Please point out any mistakes I've made so i can fix them :3

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