Attraction and Infidelity

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i'm such a shitty person omg i'm sorry it took so long to update but i got a new laptop so!! also, instead of just telling u when i'm gonna update and then not doing it, i'd rather have you guys tell me to update that way i know i'm not writing for no one lolol I WONT GET MAD AT U FOR TELLING ME TO HURRY TF UP! IT ACTUALLY MOTIVATES ME ok now on to the chapter

on another note, i am absolutely in love with this song and want everyone to hear it so here u go


"Oi, I thought Petra sat here?" Levi muttered as he took his seat next to me, motioning his hand towards the chair I was sitting in.

"You snooze, you lose," I shrugged in response, snickering to myself when he rolled his eyes.

"I'm surprised you're even here," he scoffed, eyeing me with interest.

"There's this thing people feel when they don't eat for a long time. I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but it's called 'hunger'..."

"Then shut the fuck up and eat."


"So, please explain exactly what happened during your class..." Erwin started, staring at both Levi and I.

"Well, I sat down next to Levi and the angry soul-sucker started asking me all these stupid questions about why I was hanging around Levi so much--even though I didn't have a choice--so I decided to give her stupid answers. I guess it pissed her off enough that she threw herself over the table to get to me," I replied, glancing between the two men as I finished my side of the story.

"(Y/n)...please, along with the cursing, refrain from the name calling..." Erwin sighed, running his hand through his hair but nodding nonetheless. "Alright. Levi, is there anything you'd like to add?"


"...Nothing at all?" 

"Do you know what 'no' means?"

"Point taken. You're so snippy," the blond muttered, his face forming an almost-pout.

"The shorter, the closer they are to hell..."

"What was that, brat?"



After the talk we had with Erwin, it was pretty much time to go to bed, so Levi and I left Erwin's office and began the long walk back to our room.

The long, treacherous walk with the short, treacherous asshole.

"Hey, Levi?"


"What do you see in Petra? She's so...annoying..."

"That's none of your business. Why do you want to know anyways? Do you have some stupid crush on me?"

"That's none of your business. And ew, no, I just wanted to know. She seems really hard to deal with, so don't flatter yourself."

"She is."

I blinked in shock, not really expecting him to agree with me.


"She is hard to deal with. Are you fucking deaf?"

"Chill the fuck out, no wonder Petra likes you, you've both got anger issues," I snapped, narrowing my eyes at him.

"She doesn't like me. She's dating me because she thinks dating an older guy would make her popular."

Foster!Tutor!Levi x Foster!Sassy!Depressed!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now