The Consequences of a Series of Unfortunate Events Part 1

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Recap (like a five second one don't judge me):

"What the fuck did you do to your head?"

I froze. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid.

"What's it to you?"

"Nothing. I just wanna know what the fuck you did to your head."

"Nothing. Now get the fuck out, I need to change."

Okay, so maybe that was a bit mean.

"This is my room too, brat."

"Would you quit calling me that shit?!" I snarled at him, the guilt of being so harsh completely washed away.

"I will when you quit being one," he replied calmly as he sat down on his bed and pulled a book out from under his pillow.

"Uhm, yeah, hi, I need to get dressed and you need to get out."

"Then get dressed. I have no intentions on looking at your body. Tch, disgusting," he replied as he flipped the pages in his book.


"Did you just call my body disgusting?" I snapped.

Stupid ultra super mega fucking dick.

"You have ears. Use them."

"I thought you said you had no intentions on looking at my--" I put my index and middle fingers in the air, bending them along with the end of my sentence--"disgusting body."

"That doesn't mean I didn't see it. There's a reason I don't want to look at it again."

"Jesus fucking Christ, you're a prick," I muttered as I began to pull my shirt on.

Was my body really that bad?

Woah, woah, woah, backtrack a bit there, (y/n). I don't remember giving a fuck about what people thought of me back then and I sure as hell don't know why I should now.

"Whatever," I sighed as I slipped my pants on, then went to go back to the bathroom with my towel so I could clean up the blood.

"Oi, brat, where are you going?" Levi spoke up before I walked out the door.

"Oi," I mimicked him. "Again, what's it to you?"

"I don't need a bigger idiot than Jean and Eren combined to go out there and fuck everything up"

I cringed. Christ, he's such a jerk.

"Shame, I guess you'll have to stay in your room then," I snapped as I walked out and slammed the door behind me.

~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by my shitty writing skills at 3 am~~~~~~~

I was angry, but not angry enough to make me forget that I had to clean myself up.

I sighed and reached for the doorknob that led to the bathroom when I heard the sink faucet running.


Nope, nope, nope. Can't let anyone else see me.

I groaned and ran back to my shared room and slammed the door behind me.

I felt more blood trickle down the side of my face as I grimaced in pain, the pain of grimacing causing me to groan again.

"Dammit," I hissed, throwing the towel on my dresser.

"You came back sooner than I'd hop-" Levi started, but I cut him off.

"You. Shut the fuck up. I do not need to hear you bitch at me about me. So please. Just. Shut. Up."

By now, tears were streaming down my cheeks, from both the frustration of my stupidity and the pain caused by it.

"Your forehead's bleeding."

"No fucking shit, Sherlock."

"Tch. Get your ass over here."

That caught my attention.


"Just get over here. I won't fucking bite you."

I stood up slowly, cautiously making my way towards his bed.

"You're taking too god damn long," he snapped and grabbed my wrist before yanking me down on his bed.

"W-What the hell are you doing?!" I yelped.

Seriously, one minute he's telling me I came back sooner than he'd hoped and the next he's pulling me onto his bed?

"Just shut up and sit down," he snapped back at me before leaning over the side of his bed and pulling a small box out from underneath.

I took note of the large red "+" smack in the middle of a pristine white background.

He even keeps his first aid kit clean?

"What are you doing with a first aid kit under your bed?" I laughed, who the fuck does that?

Well...him, obviously.

"For idiots like you," he muttered as he opened the box, then pulled out a small package along with a slightly bigger one.

I eyed the smaller packet suspiciously.

Looks a helluva lot like a condom packet...but the fuck would he even bring one of those out, especially in front of me?

Think, (y/n), think. He pulled it out of a first aid kit. It's obviously not a fuckin' condom.

I snapped out of my daze when I noticed Levi staring at me.


"I need your head up if I'm going to do this right."

"Oh," I sighed, then looked up at him, holding his gaze.

I watched as he opened the smaller packet before he moved my hair out of my face and away from the gash on my forehead.

Face it, it definitely wasn't just a scratch.

He had a small piece of cloth that smelled like alcohol, and I wondered what it was for half a second.

Then it hit me.

Great job, Sherlock. It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out. An alcohol pad? Really?


Those fuckers hurt like a bitch.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I hissed, swatting his hand away.

He pulled it back and scowled at me. "The fuck's your problem?

"Alcohol fucking hurts!" I whined, looking back at him with slight fear.

How the hell did a piece of paper scare me...?

Oh, yeah.

Cause alcohol fucking hurts!

"Well, you should of thought of that before you went slamming your head into things."

He stopped talking for a moment as he looked at me, then, when I least expected it, he snapped his hand forward and right onto my forehead.

With the alcohol pad.

"Holy fuck that hurts!" I screeched, automatically reaching up to touch my forehead.

"(Y/n), quit! I'm doing this for you, you ungrateful brat!"

Fuck my facade, I needed this shit off.

I was about to reach up and pry the god forsaken pad out of his hand when he grabbed both of mine in one of his and pushed me down on my back so that he was straddling me.



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