Bring it

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We finally got home, and I sighed in relief. Sitting in the car with that short ass motherfucker was driving me up the walls.

I don't usually get this angry over things like this--or anything in general, really--so it was a bit strange for me to be thinking things like, "crash the fucking car and take us both out so I don't have to deal with you anymore or go to school," or, "slam your head into a faucet, but do it harder than I did. Better yet, impale yourself on it," but I didn't think much of it.

Anyways, once we got back to the house, Levi popped the trunk, locked the car, then walked inside, leaving me with about 9 bags of clothing and school supplies to bring in by myself.

Thanks, asshole.

I grabbed as many bags as I could in one sitting--which ended up being 6--and stomped inside, to my shared room, tossed the bags on my bed, then repeated the process until all the bags were inside and my bed was covered in plastic and the body of an angry teenager who really didn't want to go to school with all these bratty, immature FUCKS and have to deal with stupid teachers and other stupid people she didn't want to meet, not to mention--

"Oi, what are you staring at me like that for?" Levi snapped, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Trying to figure out what breed of dick you are," I muttered in response, turning away, and he scoffed and let out a signature, "Tch," before going back to whatever book it was that he had been reading.

I sighed as I thought of how I'd have to sort all this shit out including the stuff I'd brought from my own home, and it was then that I decided I really did not want to go to that stupid school, and that no one would or could make me.

"I'm not going."


"I'm not going."

"I heard you, dumbass. Going where?"

"To school."

Levi narrowed his eyes at me.

"Yes, you are. I did not spend a day grabbing shit for you to leave in your drawers."

"I'm not going," I repeated again, and this time, he sent me a harsh glare.

"You will go."


It was about 6 in the god damn morning and the entire house was practically shaking from all the teens moving around all at once...all but me, of course.

"(Y/n), get up," Levi snapped, throwing something on my bed.

I shifted a bit to look at what he threw and rolled my eyes as the familiar blue skirt I fought with yesterday and an annoying white collared shirt.

"Is there a reason I have to wear a skirt? Am I not allowed to wear pants? Or jeans?" I muttered in irritation.

"No, this is the required uniform. That means it's required that you wear it," he replied, and I stared at him until he looked back at me.

"Can I help you, or are you going to continue watching me?" he asked, and I stared at him a couple seconds more before rolling my eyes.

"You're a fucking idiot."


It took a bit more to get me out of bed, and even more to get me to change, but here I was now, standing in front of a high school the size of a city in a short, blue skirt and black fucking thigh high socks like a stereotypical school girl-- except I looked like I was ready to star in a porno.

Foster!Tutor!Levi x Foster!Sassy!Depressed!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now